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Everything posted by shoni

  1. OMG, the images this is conjuring up:roftl: I can just imagine Jerry floating about like a giant balloon:roftl: Excellent as usual Caz, cant wait for part 2:thumb_yello:
  2. He He!!! Soooooooooooo true:punk:
  3. Yeah another scot:punk: I know the feeling, i think to myself ok 5 more mins then that turns into half an hour:roftl: But It's all worht it for M:punk:
  4. WOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm stalking you now:roftl:
  5. Oh Caz, another fab script. I have had a really rotten week and this has honestly cheered me right up. Seriously babe thankyou:wub2: ps glad to see weealx in ther too:'D
  6. Helloooo my fellow Whores, how y'all doin? I've been MIA lately but i've had lots to do ,like getting the 'lovepump' re covered as it's taken a bit of a pounding lately:roftl: I feel as if i've missed soooo much. Babzz congratulations on the 'baby' btw a very whory thing too do i'm so proud. Welcome to our new whores i think you're gonna luv it here. Luvvin this hot weather too as it means i can dress even more whory than ever. Hope you are all up to no good whoryness. Keep it up girls:thumb_yello:
  7. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Hi sticky, the weather here is fab too, it means i can go out dressed more whory than normal:roftl:
  9. Nooooooooooo!!! I hope he doesn't do this, as i think it's best to leave something to the imagination:wub2:
  10. WOW!!!!!!! What a fantastic script guys. I laughed from start to finish. Lookout Caz i think you have competition! Bows to the holy grail of pop :bow::bow:
  11. N'night to you too. sweet mika dreams:wub2:
  12. *squeals like a teenager* I looooooooooove it when he does that:wub2: Thank WEndi, thats the one i will go to sleep with:roftl: Off to dream now, n'night. Sweet dreams rt if your stil here.
  13. Hey Wendi you are on a roll tonight, with your quips!!!!:punk:
  14. Yeha!! You go girl, easy is GOOD:roftl:
  15. Ok stop it you two:sneaky2: you're ruining my fantasies and i will run out of silk scarves!!!!
  16. He He !!! Now i know your weakness:roftl:
  17. :wub2: Beauty personified:wub2:
  18. Oh Wendi, you have the best ideas:roftl: I can now dream of this without freaqking out!!
  19. Heres your reward, :wub2:more neck:roftl:
  20. EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!! I didn't notice that.
  21. OMG, Wait til rose sees that one. I think we have to start a 'neckk appreciation society' thanks for that vicky. Take care and n'night.
  22. Hey rt, your ransom was the best, as i'm easy too:roftl: posted the neck pic esp for you:wub2:
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