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Everything posted by shoni

  1. nuff said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. EEEEEEEK||KKKKk cant wait, SCOTLAND HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Welcome to the 'Family' i'm sure your gonna have fun:thumb_yello:
  4. Woo Hoo!!!!! I cant wait for this to get started, its quite exciting. I am dying to meet all the animals in 'real life' It's so cool to think they will be trravelling all over the world.
  5. omg!!!!!!!! i was just going to bed but not anymore, cant wait to hear more:punk:
  6. wow!!! i love him , i just watched hanibal rising 2 weeks ago and cant get him out my head. Its strange how you actually feel sorry for a canibalistic serial killer:roftl: here's one for the collection
  7. Sounds great Caz, shame about water ride though:shocked:. btw do you have any pics of 'love god'
  8. *sniggers like a schoolgirl 'ants tits* Wow Caz it sound amazing so far!! Bad luck you got sunstroke, but we live and learn. You all look beautiful in your posh frocks!!! Cant wait to hear more:thumb_yello:
  9. Hey Bab, i'm sorry your off for a while , but you must do whats best for you and your future. When you miss mfc just look at your wall and hopefully it will cheer you up. Take care and will talk again one day, butterfly girl:wub2:
  10. Hi all my Whory Babes. Hope you are all up to no good whoring around as usual. I miss this place soo much. Cant beleive it's only 14 days til some of you get to meet 'OUR PIMP' I'm sooooooooooooooooo sad. Hope to catch up with you all soon.
  11. OMG this is getting harder. Ok random things now. Someone said Balou the bear from jungle book, but it was obviously not that. In the bear necessities song he sung about a PAW PAW and a prickly pear, so maybe it could be one of them, no, ok then thinking cap back on.
  12. Ha Ha!!! you never know, he might have read this thread and realise how cool it is to be a great big whore:roftl:
  13. Hiya!!!! Whory friends. Not been on here in ages as broadband conection has been down:shocked: But now I'm back in business. btw meg i'm stealing your scottish icon as that is soooooooo me:roftl: I cant wait for all the reports from amsterdam, i want all the pics of the 'best whores in the world'. i might just put on my whore outfit and post it here anyway! Stay cool gals and talk soon:thumb_yello:
  14. Well oldlings i'm off to bed now, hope you all have a great weekend. N'night:wub2:
  15. Well thats me off for tonight, talk to you all soon:thumb_yello: i leave you all with a nice piccy of me!!!!
  16. Awww sorry Vicky didn't see you honest:wub2: how are you doing:thumb_yello:
  17. You know he will pick up on that one tomorrow Wendi, brave admission:roftl: Yeah, i often end up with black eyes:roftl: going to change it though, and just keep it for the Mikawh*res thread:naughty:
  18. I'm useless at cryptic clues, now anagrams are a different thing:naughty:
  19. :roftl:Oh no! it's a bit like that here, you go out in the morning dressed in winter clothes and by lunchtime your in the middle of a heatwave:roftl:
  20. WOW thats hot:blush-anim-cl: i love the warm weather it makes me feel good. as we dont get great weather here at all:thumb_yello:
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