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Everything posted by neeve272

  1. That's an interesting analogy....... I'm sure he can feel it.... He was smart; he knows that there were millions of people who truly love him It's just unfair that people who don't make an effort to see that side of him only get the lies from the media. Just saw this...heartbreakingly beautiful
  2. Please don't hesitate to post, I find this really interesting. Though I do understand that many people have negative reactions to this.... I defintely believe there are people who have gifts, and I hope you both continue to use and develop them. At first I didn't want to believe what Michael was saying because it's like he's stuck between worlds or something......but I guess the fact that this all happened so suddenly, it's only natural that he wants to finish things and look out for his children. I just hope the world can recognise him for the special humanitarian he was and finally forget the lies.
  3. I know..................... Awh thank you (Yes it is my name...well, it's how my name is pronounced ) I know, I know I will have to let go, and to be honest I thought I would have let go by now, but I don't want to yet. I mean, I CAN'T, yet. I trust it will happen, but just not now. I haven't watched it yet.....I go from surrounding myself with MJ to wanting to escape from it because it hurts too much. But I guess I should watch it. I haven't watched Moonwalker yet either. Have fun at the show tomorrow!!!!!
  4. hey all, how are you? Man, I thought I'd be over this by now...but for some reason the last few days have been a lot worse for me I've watched Mika's lovely new vid twice, and it's great, but I can't be bothered watching it again, I don't want to...I want to just be alone and cry. Maybe I'm spending too much time thinking about all this.....How is everyone else? And then I saw this....there are two parts, and there's another video that she uploaded more recently....ok, normally I'm not convinced by psychics... but stuff she says is very "Michael"..... at the same time, I don't want to believe it, becasue he doesn't sound very happy. Maybe I'll choose not to. what do you guys think? xxx
  5. cool, I have to watch it today hahahahaha that popcorn one is brilliant!! I thought you were going to say that that pic makes you want to buy a tiger Hmmmm I don't know that picture but if I see it I'll let you know. I will I know exactly what you mean.......I wear my locket all the time cos it feels like there's a piece of him with me.... Oh last night on Sky News they showed a clip of a home video where he was singing to little Paris and Prince, and then the kids started singing.... I totally lost it
  6. They hope by the end of the week.......though it alreayd looks like the doctor is in serious trouble.... Yeah I think you're right...he was always so private and mysterious, so the press play on that to make up crazy things about him.....and I guess, when EVERYTHING you say and do gets twisted, no matter how many times you tell the truth, it must get exhausting. hehe, I love those pics I just bought Moonwalker I'm interested to see what it's like... That ring is gorgrous! I've never seen it before! I hope you find one you like, that's lovely. Yep, that's true..... I know, I love seeing pics and vids of him with kids, you can see how he comes alive. The home vid of the egg hunt is so cute, that they call him Applehead hahaha I don't think I've seen that one.....but I have heard that he's was strict about his kids being polite, just like him
  7. this vid is so goofy, so colourful, so Mika! Excellent work, hehehe
  8. I just reset my password and it worked! :)

    Okay I'm going to reply to you now


  9. I'm sorry it's like that Isa......I share some interests with my family, but, typical me, I always get obsessed so they all think I take it too far.... but I can't help it. If someone inspires me, I have to get obsessed Yeah you're right.... I haven't seen that one, so I don't know.... hmm.....well, this way there's more mystery and the anticipation of the concerts. If they knew he wasn't fit to do the concerts, they'd be in trouble. But the tox report is coming out soon, so it should shed some light on it. You'll get loads if you just google. Here are some of my current favourites! hehehehe Oh cool!! Do you have a pic of the heart? I must have a look at that link, sounds good!
  10. Yeah that's true Thanks, it'd be brilliant to have an official day dedicated to him wouldn't it! Though I guess the fans will celebrate it regardless Hmm, I've been avoiding bits but hearing bits....I just feel like 1. it's impossible to know who's telling the truth and 2. it's not going to bring him back I mean, there certainly is evidence to suggest that AEG had him killed but I don't know if the truth will ever really come out..... what do you think?
  11. hehe I think it might do really well.....it's excellent!! I heard it's supposed ot be out by the end of the month I think! But I don'tknow if that's confirmed....


  12. I know, when WAG was first played, I listened to it a lot, but I haven't listened to it since that day It's all MJ!!! Yeah, I'm hiding in this thread still
  13. hey! I finally got into the MJJC forum wohoooooooo XD

    Hope you're having a nice Sunday!


  14. Hey Lucy!

    How are you? I'm wondering if you've heard the new BSB song... Straight Through My Heart - I looove it, it's so catchy! XD

    Hope you're well :)

  15. hey! :bye:

    Just wondering if you've heard anything from MJJC? I guess not :(

    Thanks again for your help! ;)

  16. Hey! I know exactly what you mean...such a conflict of emotions... he gave us soooo much to be happy about and thankful for, but then we realise just what a special person we've lost I guess it'll get less painful in time... I haven't heard anything yet...it's now been a week but thanks anyway EDIT: if you guys want to support the idea to make August 29th Michael Jackson Day, please sign http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/make-august-29th-michael-jackson-day-worldwide.html
  17. Um, WAG also has another meaning....... Ok, from the start: originally it meant footballers' Wives And Girlfriends, so people like Victoria Beckham, Cheryl Cole....so then WAG became a term for all of these skinny, tanned, shopping-obsessed women associated with (mostly English) footballers.
  18. I guess you're right....I hope you manage to get the dvd! I'm sure the shops will stock up on it soon though! Hi, and welcome! I know what you mean....I'm still really down about it. He's truly such a loss to the world. I'm still listening to his music constantly I've joined the MJJCommunity, but for some reason I can't get into the forum It's now been almost a week, and though I can access my profile, it doesn't let me into the forum, and none of the admin have responded to my emails So frustrating! Anyway, it's 1am here. Night all!
  19. You think you can't express yourself and then you say something like that?! That was beautiful. We understand completely I know, I know...it's all too sad. Yep, some things can't be expressed.... I reeeeally wish they'd show the HIStory concert on tv...I really want to see the full thing
  20. I know, people really can be disgusting at times At least he can't be hurt by it anymore. And I also think a lot of people are finally seeing the good he did. Ah yeah that line really struck me.....pretty amazing!
  21. Zsina, that is.....gorgeous. WOW. You have a wonderful talent! I really love it My days are still revolving around Michael, I can't get past it I hope everyone's doing okay xxx
  22. Can we resurrect this thread? I just bought a ticket to see them on their US tour woop woop! To be honest, I'm not convinced I'll be able to go, cos I'll be in Austin and the concert's in Houston, about 3 hours away, and it's on Halloween but it's a Saturday so I should be able to manage to get there yay!
  23. Hey I'm glad you had such a special experience. Thanks for sharing! What happened is really, really beautiful.....it must've been a truly wonderful feeling... how amazing!! I think there was amessage in it too. Cool, thanks..... I'm a bit wary of torrents so I might wait and hope they release it! I'd love to have it on dvd. Oh, an interview that I haven't finished reading yet, but it's special http://thesportsinterview.com/mjackson.html
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