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Everything posted by neeve272

  1. hey! haha you've never heard that? well, you get the idea that sounds like a disturbing experience, with the spider thing...lol haha when I read what you said to your brother it reminded me of that vid where Michael is talking to the camera and he calls whoever's behind it "fathead" lmao You're right, Michael and the dancing etc makes up for its lameness! I never noticed the jacket before! It's amazing! I remember reading about that kiss thing, and I think Micahel fancied her, and they just decided to do it onstage at one show to see the crowd's reaction... MJN1 hahaha brilliant. Yes that's how I feel about it....MJ is GORGEOUS in Dirty Diana, Bad, Come Together, and many more, but still...I think I just get enthralled with the talent and the person. oh nice! It's weird, I get excited and then I think "Oh..." "this shouldn't be happening....." Last night I went to a workshop and we learned one segment of the Thriller dance..including you know the famous arms thing (we called it the turn roar ) and then they played MJ music videos...oh it was wonderful. We all re-enacted that part in the SC vid where the people are on the ground going "Annie are you OK" haha it was brilliant! I wish all of you could've been there!! OK, I gotta get to campus.
  2. hey Sienna! Long time no speak! I have fond memories of that concert in Madrid, wish I could go again!!! Hope you're well Thanks hun....as much as I love it here, and know I'm meant to be here, I miss Madrid. Oh, I'll end up there permanently some time Echo de menos a tu y a Ana tb!!!
  3. Hey! Cute, beautiful, yep..but I'm not one to perve on people anyway, lol. But those of you who like it, go ahead! Yeah tickets are on sale, but I don't think every cinema is showing it... you'll have to check listings. Or try online. I don't know how it works there but I got mine on movietickets.com Yeah I think the showing of the first one depends on your timezone, that's how we have one at 11pm. Maybe they're working from Eastern Time. I know people in Europe have first showings at like 4 and 5am!! That's cool about the book! It's amazing how the image portrayed changes when the person actually believes Michael. I hope your brother had a nice bday! Hehe, Moonwalker...hmm, for me, I must admit the movie is kinda lame...but having Mike in it is all I care about, so I still love it, haha. And Come Together.... enough said nicely put Mike wasn't as weird as people think...that was the media manipulating everything and totally fabricating things, trying to take him down. He had issues, yeah, but who doesn't? I can't imagine trying to deal with anything with the whole world watching. Anyway, "normal" is overrated. If it even exists
  4. I would love love love to be there.... mainly for you ladies, but it'd be nice to see Mika too another time I guess...
  5. oh oh oh.....Mika in my favourite place on earth, with some of my favourite people on earth (ya sabeis a quien me refiero, chicas ).. you know, I actually checked to see if I had holidays from school at that time, but sadly, no and it's a bit of a trek from here! But I'm sure it will be AMAZING.
  6. Oh don't feel you have to do it!! hehe, the macros are fun. But I don't know...I'm not into the manhood thread. OK OK I KNOW Michael was hot, especially in that Come Together vid But I don't feel comfortable thinking of him like that... I think he's so so so beautiful, but the whole chickeny thing....I prefer to see him as the beautiful person he was. but that's just me hey girl! of course we love you! I'm so glad you're doing better. Wow, that's so interesting about your dad! They're definitely hanging out together up there How cool is that?! I got my tickets last night. I'm going with a friend and two girls I met on MJJC who live in the same city as me. So I'm looking forward to that. We're going on Tues the 27th at 11pm! BUt yeah, I have no idea how I'll react...
  7. Chantelle, I would love for you to make a vid teaching the dances!! I hope you're feeling better Are you addicted to MJJC yet? I just got my TII tickets.... Right, bedtime. Love to all. Yana, this is for you...I stole it from MJJC, I love it...
  8. Miss you hun, sending you love. We're waiting for you, come back when you're ready.


  9. Si, entiendo que estas muy atareada tambien!! Me alegro tanto oir eso sobre tu tio, que alivio!!! Espero que las cosas sigan asi. Y Rod, pobrecito...tendras que darle algo para calmarle Ah eso si, y tendras que hacer un live feed para mi Bueno, tengo que leer un capitulo para una clase... hasta prontoooo xxx
  10. Hola a tod@s!! como estais??? Yo, bien...mucho que hacer, pero bien Hola mi amoooooor!!! Que tal tus tios??? Y la casa, parece que va preparandose para la mudanza! Y eso de Rod, va a ser genial!!!!!!! jajajaja xxx
  11. Oh good choices, they're exactly the ones I want to learn! OMG honey I'm so so sorry. I don't know what to say. I'm sending you prayers and love and hugs. Please know that I'm here if you need me. Take care of yourself, give yourself plenty of time, and we'll be here when you feel ready to come back. Lots of love, Niamh.
  12. so, if that's what Mika is in fact saying, I'm adding my voice to the "I always knew it!" pile I said this anytime anyone asked me about him. Not that I care in the slightest...I was never planning on getting with him Hey! Nicely said! And the part I bolded...I'm the same. I think people I don't know for very long just assume I've had way more experience than I have had, and people who know that I'm just not bothered about it accept it but don't really understand it...
  13. Hey girls how are ye? awwh hun, I don't know what to say, cos I know from experience that nothing anyone says can heal the pain. But I'm here if you need me . What's comforting me is that I know he's at peace...that doesn't mean this was supposed to happen, but I do feel he's in a place full of love. And we've been discussing this in the psychic thread on MJJC, and I really feel he's around us a lot, and getting to know us.... well, it's actually not that uncommon to break ribs in cpr...my sister is a doctor (that feels weird to say cos she just graduated ) and she told me that. But you're right, we just don't know. Also, I know justice has to be served, definitely,but all this surmising and blaming won't bring him back to us. Anyway..... Thanks I have to keep up with the work, but it's good that even when I'm exhausted I still like the material but yeah,I think I might head to bed soon, even though it's only 9pm. And then I will reply to you tomorrow! I hope you're not wokring too hard either!!!
  14. Hey hun! got your email but haven't read it yet...was up till after 1 finishing an assignment, and now I have office hours... meh, I'm so sleepy! Well, since before Invincible Michael said touring again would kill him. He actually said that. And a 50yr old man, I don't care how fit - doing FIFTY shows? Crazy. Then there's all that stuff about how he only signed up for 10 shows.... and some of his "follow fans" who were outside rehearsals and stuff said there were many days when he fell, when he didn't show up, when he was in such pain.....I know it's hard to know which side to believe, but I do think it's interesting that all the people who claim Mike was fit and healthy are the same people who were making money from the shows. His personal makeup artist Karen Faye said that so many people tried to intervene because they could see he wasn't well. She even said there were days when she would be covering him up with blankets and hugging him to try to keep him warm Yeah I know.....I listen to Mika but I'm like, let's go back to MJ I can't wait to learn it! Yup...it breaks my heart to think about it....
  15. I know, lol. I can't wait to see the episodes and what they're doing with his leg, lol. Texas is great! I'm very very busy with coursework, but I love it! xxx
  16. Yeah it's brilliant! Thanks I've finally started to listen to music other than MJ, but not that much....I've heard some of Mika's new stuff, which is lovely... but my heart's only for MJ right now.... Yup, so true. That man had and hid so so much pain. On a happier note though, I'm going to a workshop/party to learn the Thriller dance on Sunday!!!!! oh woooooooooooooooow!!! I'm so sorry girls .....hugs to you both :huglove:
  17. you made that one?!! I LOL'd when I first saw it! Nice work!!! Hey you know, I kinda feel bad that I haven't gotten into the Mika news at all...like I haven't watched any interviews or performances or even gotten the CD yet (though I have ordered it online) so I don't know....I spend too much time on MJJC I know, I've found MJ fans here through MJJC so we're going to go see it together. I have such mixed feelings about it....there's no doubt that he doesn't look healthy in it...but the concern among the Jacksons is that the footage is so heavily edited that it only shows when Mike was doing well, and they're going to use it as evidence that he was fine, and able to work, rather than bribed or pressured into it........so I don't know. OK I shouldn't even be here as I'm trying to finish an assignment! xxx
  18. I kept meaning to bump this thread! I'm happy to hear that Matthew is starting to walk again! Yes it's back on tomorrow! It's usually uploaded onto surfthechannel the next day, so that's your best bet. How are you doing? And all Reid's other wives? I've missed you girls!
  19. hehehe of course....you've made me addicted! lol That is a good explanation to the right/left thing. I don't have the time or the inspiration to make them, lol..but I'll think about it! I love that gif hahahaha that is a great one..... A HEE HEE
  20. hey ladies do!! nice work! You're right....it's the fact that Mike was never ever conceited or obnoxious that makes them so hilarious My favourites are the ones about "your argument is invalid" and of course the "hatas to the left".....I now have two folders full of them hahaha I have no idea where that came from, do you? Not to mention the fact that in nearly all the "hatas to the left" pictures, Michael is pointing to his right :lmao: See: (I hope the MJJCers who made them don't mind that I'm posting them here...) Oh yes they do cheer me up. xxx
  21. Dios mio perdonadme, cuanto tiempo........ Pues, aqui estoy muuuy atareada, por eso no paso mucho tiempo por aqui... pero voy a intentar! He pedido el nuevo disco Alguien va a viajar para ver a un concierto pronto? Bueno, besos para todas! Y Ana, suerte con la busqueda!!! Mantenme informada! xxx
  22. OK cool, I'll keep an eye out for you there! So does that mean you have moved and everything? You're not in Ciudad Real anymore? Best of lcuk with school! hehe, it makes me giggle! Cool thanks for that....I really don't like David Gest, but I'm interested to hear these stories... Yeah I'm on MJJCommunity, I like it...it has a similar layout to here and there are lots and lots and lots of threads in a variety of sections. I know what you mean though, sometimes I need to stay off it for a bit because some threads make me so sad. I had a look at michaeljackson.com but I didn't really like the layout...and I can't join any more forums because I don't have time to post! xxx
  23. oh wow thanks for all the info!!! guys, check this out :lmao: hahaha love it http://i27.tinypic.com/1zl51eu.gif
  24. guess who I'm meeting for dinner tonight? :das:

    well, it's with their whole family, but he's picking me up too :naughty:

    I miss you!!


  25. ooh that's lovely! Is that guy famous? He should be! sorry to break this to you....it's not MJ. It's this guy called Jason Malachi but yeah he does sound REALLY like him, he kinda models himself on MJ. Isa, that's good! what's your username?
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