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Everything posted by neeve272

  1. thanks! Like you, I've been listening to him constantly - absolutely nothing else! Unfortunately I can't see the pic in your sig
  2. wow, cassette tape - that brings back memories!! Isn't it weird when you hear songs after all those years and you still remember all the words?! That happened me with that album too! Hehe 2019......whoa!
  3. he is so funny I guess he doesn't understand that we would all choose him over Shemar!! Awwwh so he's broken up with Kat Dennings? That's sad; I've liked her since I saw her in Raising Dad...she's also good in Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist (that's a cute film)...they were a sweet couple. Kisses for you too!!
  4. thanks for sharing....I've put in green the bits that I feel express how I feel...you wrote it so beautifully
  5. Hehe I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a family who thinks I've gone crazy lol. Yeah, it really does help me to believe he's in a better place where no one's words can hurt him. I feel the same about tributes.....they put their own spin on things; I prefer just finding vids that I think show the true Michael and watching them
  6. Yeah I've been there......I'm sorry that happened with your grandpa; it's definitely not good to do that....I guess it's about trusting that we'll get to the right place when we need to. But being here with all of you who feel the same way has really helped me; my sister thinks I've gone crazy! Especially since I was never a huge fan; it's like I'm only realising now how much I love him.....But it feels good to release it all.
  7. thanks, that's lovely that's beautiful. I'm glad you've gotten to that stage I hope to get there soon....it's definitely getting less painful.
  8. thanks! I think I saw this in the shop yesterday wow...beautiful words....so powerful. What a visionary I knooooow...he's soooo hot in this video!
  9. new pic I loooove the facial hair!!!! I also love the crutches
  10. agreed. Since he left us I break down every time I hear it; especially the 2nd verse.....
  11. Yeah, definitely. I really love that about him too :wub2: Here's a nice interview with a photographer who was at the rehearsals: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529929,00.html EDIT: a vid I just found....Michael with children........he's such a loss to the world
  12. Anaaaaa! I've been watching this vid obsessively - he's so hot in it!! Many people say he wasn't attractive after the first surgeries but I looove him in this. It IS still surreal.....I feel like I can't move on, and I know you're a much bigger fan than I am! It's just so...unfair, sad, devastating, infuriating...... thanks for sharing. Hard as it is to accept that he's no longer with us here, I do believe he's in a better place where he's no longer suffering. He was such a sensitive soul and I really think all the pain in his life and in the world really weighed on him and tortured him. I still wish he was here, but his spirit and his legacy will always inspire us.
  13. :shocked: <- I know I've overused this one, but I don't know what else to say/do....... Thanks for sharing. He does look awfully thin, but it looks like he was doing well!
  14. I hope we get to see it too....I really do. And those unreleased songs! Yeah...the songs when he's angry are so powerful!!
  15. Well said; it's very clear he was a beautiful, sensitive, generous, loving person.. and people are so cynical that they couldn't accept that...they thought that there had to be a sinister element behind it, because they couldn't understand how someone - and especially a superstar - could be so giving, sacrificing, genuine. Come in here and let your feelings out any time - I am! I think we can learn so much from him. Like you said, about being determined and doing what we believe is right, regardless of what the world thinks or expects. Also, he felt so strongly about making the world a better place, in terms of environment, etc and I think we should all listen to his message
  16. Look at this......what a beautiful soul. You can see how unbelievably shy he was (it was weird to write was there instead of is )... he must've really found it difficult having that many people following him and wanting to talk to him and interview him all his life
  17. Hey everyone, how are you all doing?? I was in a bookshop today looking at all the magazines dedicated to him, and I started crying...... this hits me in phases...once I think I've finally accepted it, it hits me again and I get angry and upset............... Yep I'm still only listening to him. Did you hear that there are apparently looooaaads of unreleased songs by him that might be released now? It's just been confirmed that there's going to be a public memorial service on Tuesday....I hope this doesn't sound weird but I really hope it will be on tv..I think it'd give me a final release of emotion.... Yeah right now, even after moving home and meeting my family again, I'm still in a Michael zone. Oh Isa, I just bought the Time special; here it's €4.95 (Ireland is always ridiculously expensive). If you want to sene me money I can send you and your friends copies......let me know. xxx
  18. In a way it helps to cry I think, so go ahead Personally, as I said before, I don't believe he could harm a child; he suffered a LOT, he had a difficult life, he didn't like himself a lot of the time, he felt so lonely, in his own words, he had been "bleeding for a long time"...but I believe he had a pure soul and a generous heart. It has really helped me being able to talk about him here; I've found people who feel the same way as me. About the bolded part, I feel the same way. I truly hope they release his final rehearsal as a dvd so the world can see that he was back on top.
  19. OH MY GOD I never saw this!!!!!! It's so amazing! Wow........Thanks so much for sharing........so great! I know........it's too upsetting for words. Awwwh thank you.......that truly is beautiful. Does anybody else feel that they can't even think about anything else?! I've been in a MJ cocoon since Friday morning.........and real life doesn't seem real...I don't want to let go. I'm moving back to Ireland tomorrow but I've barely thought about it! Goodnight to all xxx
  20. hey, does anyone recognise this move?????????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJrUa-zKeIc#t=8m23s (hint: Mika in Paris......)
  21. cool Hi Janena, wow......you've been close to him then! It's a terrible shock for the whole world, and I can completely understand that you feel you've lost a little bit of yourself in this. Your memorial sounds beautiful....I'd love to do something like that.... You're right - it can't be described. I hope you can start to come back to yourself and cherish the wonderful memories you must have of him. Count yourself lucky to have been able to see him live that many times
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