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French Deb

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Everything posted by French Deb

  1. Oh crap... I didn't think it was that bad I really hope he will be ok, and that his voice is not damaged I hope these last 3 gigs won't be too much for his voice to sustain Feel so sorry for Mika, he must be very sad and so sorry for the fans Of course, it seems now he shouldn't have done all this promo things since the Nantes gig, but now it's done, all that we could wish is that he recovers very quickly... Yes, I thought the same when I read that... I don't understand why Glasgow and not the one in Iceland ?
  2. Oh don't worry, if you don't look for a specific date or place, you can find something more easily ! And it depends of where you're getting married. My fiancé and me are from a very touristic place, in Brittany, and many people who have relatives here, but who live elsewhere come back here to get married because it's a very beautiful area, near the sea Moreover, we wanted to get married during a 3 days week-end, with a holiday, to enable the family who come for the other side of France to be there. And in 2014, there were only 3 three-days week-end, so we didn't have plenty of choices And the 16.08 is the day of my fiancé's birthday, so we thought it was cool to get married this day. I like you idea of trees, and lake with view. That seems bucolic Love this date of 20.12.2012 ! Just the day before the end of the world In France, people often get married during the same day at the City Hall and then at the church. It's not very common to organize two distinct weddings, in a few months. But it happens ! We'll do the civil wedding during the morning, and I'll wear a civil dress, and during the afternoon, we'll have the religious wedding with the big dress... I wanted my future husband to discover me in my dress, while I was entering in the church That's nice you'll get your civil wedding in a few days, you must be so exciting And a honeymoon in the Maldives, that's gonna be so great ! Very beautiful, the last dress, I love it ! I think you should find a dress which fit you perfectly and in which you're feeling good. I went to a wedding shop the other day with my mum, and we were talking with the lady who said : "people have to say to themselves that the bride looked wonderful in her dress and not that the dress looked wonderful", it's not the same ! Can't wait you show to us which dress you choose !!! Well, let's talk about your fiancés !!! Who are they, how did you get to know each other and how did they proposed ?!! And the other MFCers are welcome to share that with us
  3. Oh, it seems your already planned a lot That's nice ! In what kind of venue will you get married ?? I also like the idea to have plenty of time, like that you really know what you do want and what you don't want. And there is no rush and less stress, which is good too ! Wow, these dress are really beautiful I do know exactly the kind of dresses I would like I absolutly love this one : http://www.lilly.eu/Default.aspx?ID=267&ProductID=PROD1487&GroupID=GROUP142&VariantID=VO58 But also this kind of dresses :
  4. Ah super !! Contente pour toi, j'ai vu les vidéos, c'était super ! ça c'est certain... T'as vraiment reçu des insultes ?? Je me doute bien que des personnes soient jalouses, mais quand même... J'avoue que moi aussi, quand Mika m'a embarquée sur scène à Nantes, je n'ai pas vu que des sourires parmi les fans de devant ... Mais globalement, j'ai vraiment reçu de supers messages des autres fans et même d'inconnus sur Youtube, ça fait plaisir La plupart d'entre eux étaient vraiment contents pour moi... Je trouve que ces comportements de jalousie, c'est vraiment malsain. On a la chance d'être fan d'un artiste très disponible et très proche de ses fans, on peut avoir l'occasion d'avoir son moment particulier avec lui. Après, c'est vrai qu'on est chanceux en France, on le voit souvent et donc on a plus de chance de le rencontrer...
  5. Great, thank you for the vids ! Mika was so adorable I'm surprised I only read nice posts here on the MFC...
  6. Super expérience, ça devait être sympa ! Sacré Mika, il est vraiment génial quand même J'espère que tu trouveras une vidéo, j'avoue qu'après avoir vécu ma soirée magique à Nantes, j'avais besoin des vidéos pour vraiment savoir que je ne rêvais pas et réaliser ce qu'il s'était passé ! On vit des choses exceptionnellement fortes en émotions quand même, grâce à lui
  7. Happy to read your reports girls, and that you had a great night Mika is really wonderful...
  8. Oh Tegan, so happy you did open it !!! Don't worry, I won't leave you on your own in there ! I think this thread is a really good idea ! Because we are all exctiting about our wedding so we love talking about it but also because I'm very curious about the traditions of the other countries ! Can't wait to read all your posts, girls Well, mine will be in august 2014 (the day of my fiance's birthday) I know I'm early, but my fiance proposed to me last june, for my birthday, and I was afraid that one year wasn't enough to check everything, or I should have spend all my free time to organize it... So 2 years, in France, it's not too much to organize your dream wedding Can't wait to read Mellody's posts too ! @ Deb : wow, 31 years Congrats !
  9. Translation : Yes, this little girl was really touching... befor Mika sang, she talk about her desease and he daily life in a very mature way and how it's important for her and for all these little children to give money to the research...
  10. Translation of the Interview : I'm sorry, it's not very good, but to be honest, it wasn't always very clear, even for French people, to understand what he wanted to say
  11. I do have a family dinner today, but if nobody has translated the vids when I'll come back, promise I'll do it
  12. Ok, he just reached 6500 € It's the biggest one of tge night ! What a wonderful idea he had EDIT : another pic : https://twitter.com/Telethon_France/status/277537306070626305/photo/1 I assume there's gonna be an interview... But stil no vids PS : the auction is now at 9500€
  13. You should be, for now this lesson would cost you 5500 € http://telethon.vestiairecollective.com/fr/mika-cours-piano.html It's the biggest one for now, just behind a jacket of the french singer Johnny Hallyday !!!
  14. And Mika is amazing... For the fundraising, he offered for the auction a private piano and singing lesson with him Trying to find the vid as soon as possible...
  15. Ok, I don't think it was really planned, but Mika came on the tvset of the "Téléthon" just after the Virgin Radio Fans... I watched that on TV and saw him coming on stage Ha sang "Underwater" Here is a pic : https://twitter.com/Telethon_France/status/277527169213816832/photo/1 This is explaining what is the Téléthon :
  16. Oh my My favorite song of the album... That duet was amazing !!! This Chiara girl really rocked the song, and our Mika was outstanding and really smart with his outflit What a great moment
  17. I totally agree with that... I don't understand why they want to open a referendum in that kind of issue...
  18. Wow, really awesome This gig really seemed wonderful And with the choir, that reallys adds a sepcial spirit...
  19. No, it's not Well, the actual government wants to legalize it with a law, in 2013, but this project creates big political and society debates... Some people and political want to make a referendum in France to see if the French people really want the "wedding for all" or not... I think the law will pass at the Assembly, as the government has majority, but it's not done They say France is the country of "freedom" and of the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, (or Bill of Rights)" ... but only when it's convenient for them (politics, etc.)...
  20. Yes, that's great he had such positive reviews of his shows Well, he is really amazing on stage, so I'm not that surprised I was with my mum for the Nantes gig, and it was the first time she saw him and was totally amazed by the man She told me at the end "well, even if I don't see the point to see him that often (), I totally understand you are a fan of this artist : he totally rocks !" I was so proud For his goodbye thing, I know this is sooo soon
  21. Thank you Eriko for the pics Like you, Nina, I'm very exciting about the videos of these special kind of acoustic gigs
  22. Well I think everybody has a point and everyone should express his feelings... But it appears to me that quite everything has been said now, on this bad experience Sephira had and needed to share. It's really sad and of course, I hope noone will experience that again, but maybe we should move on or talk about that in the Polka doit choir thread ? I don't want to be rude, but I wanted to post a press article of the main local newspaper, which talk about the amazing show Mika offered to us, for this last night of touring in Europe http://www.ouest-france.fr/actu/actuLocale_-Avec-Mika-a-Nantes-on-celebrate-_40815-2137654------44109-aud_actu.Htm There are 3 pics of the gig And the translation :
  23. Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to say but couldn't find the words, when I was saying this version is more suitable to radios
  24. Yes he is, and to be honest, I think he is the only "non-french" artist who signed it... With "non-french" I mean non-francophone, as he is half american-lebanon and doesn't live in France, even if he does speak French fluently... So proud he signed that
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