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Everything posted by mamacatt

  1. Here's the Vogue info... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13288&highlight=vogue+yasmine
  2. Hello Shari and Wendi and Deb and Clare and anyone else who's flitting about! Well Wendi, dying to hear, any developments on the mysterious case of the 660 lollies?? Any new intriguing deliveries today? Penguins with packages lurking in the bushes? Could it all be linked to the official announcement as someone posted earlier???? Better than a intrigue novel! Shari are you feeling a little better today? I hope so. Mine's been gone 14 years this Sept. but she's always there in my thoughts. *hug* to you. Congrats Deb - proud mama! Kath - are you still there or gone? Have a good day! Hi Clare FD's editing your posts??? Patty
  3. Must go have (late) dinner....toodle-oooo friends....
  4. Could this be Rose giving us a teeny tiny hint as to her next gig get-up???? *Rose dresses up as a chocolate biscuit, i mean tiger*
  5. You talk just the right amount! don't change a thing!!
  6. Interesting..... I have knee probs (maybe from too many years pounding the pavement in the hospital nursing???) and saw the surgeon today -need more surgery next month. That's ok, it's just a day surgery and hopefully it will help with the pain, etc. before we get into the nice weather. Also drove my kids around town some - my son has a landscaping biz and is extremely busy moving snow with this last dumping we got-he needed a drive from point A to B. And, Catt is on March break - she babysat for the day. Let's see....i made dinner, looked after the puppy, did some paperwork, and , oh yeah, hung out at MFC....time flies here and not much else gets done, i find!
  7. Hi Crystal Glad it your day had some good parts to it
  8. Good Evening Oldlings, and Nighty-Night to those on their way to Mika dreamland It's been very entertaining catching up on this thread, dear peeps (makes it interesting when one can't be OT because there is no real topic!) Wendi, Wendi, (Shari you beat me to it smart cookie that you are )but I was going to suggest enticing our resident courier Rose to search out the sucker source, but i see she's gonna be as easy to persuade as a piece of granite..unless you are cute, fluffy and have a camera on your shoulder. I seem to remember her posting a while back, something to the effect of "if the Mika team ever needs anything delivered I am so there for them!" or words to that effect... Bit of a coincidence, i'd say. Hmmm, interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Congrats on your 16000 big ones WonderWendi! And, Ruth on your 2k -way to chat! WeeAlx- s*** disturbing as usual, i see?
  9. Wonder what his "name" will be.... Don't know if Silver's still here, but while reading back some, I am feeling kinda sorry for her - imagining Eeyore in a puddle, all droopy and glum Poor Silver....
  10. Hello Friends! Heard that John could be visiting MFC today as a member .....anything new?
  11. Ce-ci? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcB7givRRR4&feature=related
  12. lol...except for the penguin abuse at the end...ROSE!!!!
  13. Phewwww!!! I was worried about you Fred (*thinks about last post on the closed thread*). Glad to see you're here - you ok?
  14. (BTW Not stalking you, CG) wonder if this skelly is related to our Gray?
  15. Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing, LM! Something like this has the potential to make a gigantic positive impact on this young boy's life. Our Mika is an amazingly strong fella to be so open and public about his personal history with both dyslexia and bullying. Always impressed by and so proud of him.
  16. Good Day Oldlings and Others! It's a sunny and cold day here (apparently Mika's fave weather ) Here's a little teeny tiny video clip of Kinsey with her beaver toy outside today.... Patty P.S. feeling glad for the excitement of those going to Hamsterdam Sad for those of us not boohooo
  17. Wouldn't that just be the cat's meow? Three Dog Night - fun - always loved Shambala.
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