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Everything posted by Hevthehampster

  1. me too...i have a good feeling about them, whihc usually indicates i did crap!
  2. im sorry, but those mugs are quite scary....
  3. i never said i didnt like the heat - i said i couldnt live in it...but thanks for the suggestion!
  4. well as i said i dont back to school for another 18 full days of summer hols left...
  5. thanks... however, i think all the guys at school are a bit sick of me always going on about MIKA to be honest!
  6. cor blimey! - thats early - where abouts do you live?
  7. i have never been in love, purely because i dont think anyone will love me...i mean, im not exactly the type of girl anyone would fancy, put it that way...
  8. and yes, i love your country - if im honest though, i dont think i would live in spain..it is way to hot and also very dry if that makes sense...perfect for a couple of weeks though:thumb_yello:
  9. awe, thanks everyone... yer, spain was absolutely fantastic!!! - the hottest temperature was 42 degrees!!! omg - and the lowest i think was about 31 degrees! - which obviously was quite a shock for me because i am used to about 24 degrees in england!!! we went to the sierra nevada mountains, mini hollywood, swam in the mediterranean (cant spell), swam in lake negratin (and no, i am still not over my fear of fish!) had our own private terrace with swimming pool! - it was simply fantastic... anyone fancy spending a holiday in spain, i would recommend freila, cuevas cantona... here is a link... http://www.spanishcaveholiday.co.uk/ it is definately a great relaxing holiday, if this is what you're after! hev x
  10. no, im not - purely because i have just heard of it through you... sounds prety good though - have a blast!
  11. this is a thread for all the people who are still in school and when their first day back is... my first day back is the 4tn September... how about you?
  12. i unfortunately am not going to be doing very much - that makes me sound like a very bad fan - but anyway, i will be thinking about him all day...and i made a poster to celebrate ages ago to go in his birthday album thingymajig!
  13. just wanna say i am sorry that i have been away for a while because i have been on holiday to spain. does anyone live in andalucia? particularly anywhere like freila, baza, cuevas del campo? etc... i was staying in freila... anyone near me? hev x
  14. erm...i HAVE heard of them...but im not too keen on their work... do you like basshunter?
  15. hmm...brunette - but im ginger...so i dont think this 'this or that' is appropriate... hmm....JOKE! erm... hannah montana or miley cyrus
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