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Everything posted by Ana1202

  1. I checked and it's out of my country already. So you should get it soon.:naughty:.

    I can't wait either !:yay:.

  2. Yes, I have.:bleh:. It should take less than 12 days to get there.:naughty:.

  3. Uu !! Esas son buenisimas !! Yo las hacía !! La propaganda es mortal.. Chis Quiek, Torta Muss y Lemon Pai..
  4. Podés creer que no hay frutilla en la verdulería ??. Estoy indignada..
  5. Hi, I haven't been here in a long time.. Do you remember me ??.
  6. Hola !! Estuve todo el día acá pero recién me decidí a pasar.. Ayer intenté hacer un licuado de manzana, salió bien, pero no me conformé. Entonces hoy hice de durazno, y ese sí salió bien.. Y ahora me estoy aburriendo de nuevo..
  7. Granted, but all the gigs get cancelled !! I wish I could go to Chile soon.:crybaby:.
  8. I was reading other pages of this thread and I found this: That's hilarious !!. I would never get that far. But I liked some characters. I was totally in love with Yue, from Sakura. Then I liked Gohan from Dragon Ball. And then I liked Hisoka, from HunterXHunter. Until I found out he liked little kids..
  9. There's also one that I'll try to watch because it seems really good. It's called Full Metal Alchemist, does anybody know it ?? I only know the story.
  10. Granted, but they'll judge him because all the other things they think about him.. I wish I had more vacation time.
  11. I have to wait until tomorrow to check if I got the letter because I live in a building so I don't have the mailbox key.:bleh:. I'll let you know as soon as I get it.

  12. We don't say that.. We used to say Mika might be coming in October 2008. But that's a long story..
  13. Thank you.. Here are some pictures of the ones I like. Detective Conan. One Piece Hunter x Hunter Sakura
  14. How could I miss this thread ?! I looooove anime !! I'm a huge fan of Sakura, one called *in Spanish, I don't know how it's called in English* Detective Conan, Hunter x hunter, Kimikiss *I saw this one recently*, Dragon Ball *the best one*. I also like Ranma 1/2. Then I started watching Naruto but I didn't finished it. And I really liked one called One piece *it's also called something else but I can't remember right now*, but I didn't finished it either. And I'm sure that there are so many more that I can't remember right know. I never liked Sailor Moon..
  15. Supuestamente va a ser para todas las líneas. Pero dicen que quieren sacar una que sirva para colectivo, subte y tren. Eso sería lo ideal. En realidad para mi lo ideal sería que saquen una solo para colectivos, después me parece mucho lio. .
  16. Quiero la maldita tarjeta de una buena vez !!. Yo viajo como 5 veces por día en colectivo *los días que salgo:bleh:.* y ya no puedo conseguir más monedas, no te cambian en ningún lugar !! Yo en cuanto pueda me voy de mi casa.. El primer año no voy a poder ni ahi, es más, me parece que hasta que no termine de estudiar no me voy a poder ir, porque lo que yo quiero estudiar es en una privada y me tengo que pagar los estudios yo..
  17. Hola !! Paso recién ahora porque estuve viendo tele todo el día.. Es que cuando termina un programa o una pelicula buena empieza otra.. Y ahora me aburrooooo !!.
  18. I don't really know if it was supposed to make me laugh or make me angry. Some of those things has no sense..
  19. Granted, but your stomach hurts. I wish it was raining.
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