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Everything posted by daydreambeliever

  1. Is it just me or did he look really hurt when they said the song was "Grace Kelly" instead of "Love Today"?
  2. Vanessaaa... Have fun at your other gig! Haha, no but really. It actually does sound quite interesting! We'll see you at the next one!!! Watch, Mika's going to break down crying once he looks out in the audience and doesn't see your face. It's going to be intense.
  3. I remember thinking it was weird how he named it "We Are Golden" after he said in one interview that he didn't want to name the first album something boring like "Love Today" like his people wanted him to. All in all, I like "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" better.
  4. jhbjkbllkn


    Awww...well, at least you have it! Not many people can say that! There are only 10,000 coppies. :wink2: What's your favorite song on SFS? Mine is Lady Jane, then Lonely Alcoholic, then Toy Boy, then Blue Eyes.

  5. He's #20 in pre-orders though........Does that count as something?
  6. The United States. I wish he was here! But if I remember correctly, he just got finished having drinks and dancing with some lucky fans in London.
  7. YOU JOINED HIS BAND??? :woot_jump:


    That's awesome. :das:



    You mean me and Alan? Haven't really talked to him in a while. I've moved on. :shun::naughty:


    We're still friends though. :original:


    But my current crush is so complicated. More complicated than complicated. More complicated than...ugh. Hahah. It's been driving me crazy. :insane::lol3:

  8. Heeeey! :biggrin2:


    I know it's been ages and ages and ages! I'm doing ok. Started school a few weeks ago. Fun stuff. :naughty:


    How are YOU? How is your boy situation? :das:

  9. It's on youtube? :teehee:



    I thought it might be, and I looked, but I didn't see it! :aah:


    Can you please send me the link? Thanks! :original:

  10. Hey! So you said you had the first part of the 4MUSIC thing Mika was on a few days ago? Would you mind PMing it to me please? :blush-anim-cl:

  11. Haha, no, I don't think he's that mean. I'm probably going to choose a different one to give him, though. Don't want to risk it.
  12. Those are nice! I really like these voodoo babies... I just might have to buy one for myself. *Jumps two months in the future when she sees Mika at his L.A. show.* Me: Hey, Mika! Great show! I got this for you! Mika: *reads descrition* Me: Mika:... Mika: *bans me from all shows for eternity* Me:
  13. Awesome! Haha. Which two did you get? I wanted to get the "happy" one for him too, but I can't find it!
  14. Do you think Mika would totally hate me if I got this for him? http://www.vdbaby.com/store/74100.html
  15. Ahh! Same!!! I thought I was the only one. I just kind of silently gave up though. If someone could put it on youtube, that would be beyond awesome.
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