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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Totally. I just bought LICM last week, so it's still selling here too And now that he's becoming more popular in north america, it's starting to sell here lots too. Did you see any of the footage from the very first Vancouver show EVER?? It was PACKED!! And so many screaming fans, I'm sure the next one will be even better selling than this one. Mika is amazing, and I expect he'll continue to make us all smile and cry with his new music
  2. Shirts are nice, but they are usually much more pricey than some jewelery of some sort. And then you also have to worry about sizing, so many different sizes of MIKA fans! I am a fan of necklaces or bracelets, although bracelets would be harder to see..I still like the idea of the flashing hearts, just because that way, not only can we pick each other out in a big crowd by the flashing lights, but Mika can see how many of us are at his concerts from his birds eye view of the crowd. why do we need to pick something new again anyway?
  3. Greek mythology!! At least it's an interesting subject!! It's good to use a watch, start talking at a specific time, then do it the way you would as if you were in class, then check the time when you're done. Don't forget to use gestures and eye contact with your audience GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! ) We have snow here I wish I wasn't in class though..I have an hour break right now.
  4. Well now I have an hour to kill, and I can't do any homework cause the computer lab that has my work on it has a class in it! I don't normally have this hour to kill, so I'm going to kill it with you guys! Oh lordy so do I, I can't tell you how tired I am of black and white landscapes, because the snow bleaches all the color out of the land. It's been grey for months...I need some COLOR!!!!!!!
  5. And now I must be off to class or I'm going to be late, thanks to chicken. I MEAN MIKA!! I MEAN ME talking ABOUT Mika to people who talk about Mika....uh... Yeah I really have to go
  6. Well for now i'm in the interior of BC, Castlegar, going to college. I have another year yet before I'm done. But my home town is Vancouver I haven't been living there in 3 years now, and it seems like it's been so long! I feel so out of touch and out of the loop. And I missed Mika But I hope at some point to go back, although the rental prices there have skyrocketed, I don't know if I can still afford to live there.
  7. Well I was just shocked because I'm sitting here typing, enjoying the beginning of my day, remembering the warmth and sunshine of yesterday, dreaming about spring because all the snow is melting finally.... And I'm typing here, and I hear..... SCHHHHHOOOOOOOOOSHHHH SCHHHHHOOOOOOOOOSHHHH SCHHHHHOOOOOOOOOSHHHH I'm like...WAIT JUST A SECOND....that's a SNOWSHOVEL scraping the sidewalk, what the heck!!!???? I jump up and look out the door, it's snowing. AGAIN!!!! There's like 6cm on the ground already!! NO I'M TIRED OF SNOW!!! COME SPRING!!
  8. OH MY!!!! Well at least someone had fun on the tickets, right? But you're so lucky!! Twice in 5 days!!! OH SO MUCH MIKANESS!!!! It sounds absolutely lovely! You're taking pictures...RIGHT???? Thanks for the welcome! Oh Suz! I'm really happy to have met you too, and I can't wait to meet in RL!! And then we can Mika gush to our heart's content!!
  9. yes, Suzanne and I are already very close Its fabulous that you can come here randomly and meet people who already feel like you've known them forever! I love it here
  10. I'm over 30!! Does that mean I can be an official olding with a number that I can add to my siggy?
  11. how old do you have to be to be considered an olding?
  12. One little step at a time, Natalie!
  13. Feb 19 2008: Well...I was thinking about this person that I hadn't thought of in a long time, so I went to the tribe website for the first time in almost 2 years. I logged in, and checked out the person I had been thinking about's profile, and just that day she had posted a link to Big Girls(You are beautiful). I went and watched the video and instantly fell in love with that smile, those curls, his moves, his words, his style! I immediately started to youtube Mika, and found so much stuff, watched interview after interview, video after video, until I was completely Mikafied! Then I found out he had played a concert in my home town, during my college reading break, only 4 days before I had discovered him. I was heartbroken. I would have totally taken the 12 hour bus ride just to see him at the Orpheum. Not even a second thought. What really attracts me to Mika though is his humbleness. His care for the fans. His steadfastness in keeping true to his music. His ability to stay strong in the face of mockery. His ability to keep everything fun, and in a fun perspective, never losing sight of the important things in life. This thread made me cry tonight. It's beautiful to read these stories. I truly believe that Mika is more than just a musician. More than just a performer. He's got this energy that just reaches out and embraces you, and fills you with this unconditional love. He's taken the adversity in his life, and turned it into something absolutely miraculous, and is sharing it with the world. What bravery. He seems to be taking all this in stride, and I salute him!! Hats off to you, Mika!!! Or maybe...HATS ON!! cause...well..hats are fun
  14. Welcome Soph!!!!! Hope you love it here too!!
  15. Welcome to another Newbie!! I hope you have as much fun here as I've been having in the last 24 hours!!
  16. Welcome to another Newbie!! I hope you have as much fun here as I have been having!!
  17. Grace Kelly 14 Lollipop 19 My Interpretation 15 Love Today 22 Relax 19 Any Other World 12 Billy Brown 13 Big Girl 14 Stuck In The Middle 14 Happy Ending 17 Ring Ring 13 Holy Johnny 14 Only Lonely One 10 How Much Do You Love Me 17 +Love Today -Only Lonely One
  18. aww but I was looking forward to wearing my flashing hearts
  19. Favourite colour? 2. Relationship status? 3. Form of transport? 4. Favourite holiday destination? 5. What do you like to do? 6. What is your favourite band at the moment? 7. What are you most afraid of?
  20. aww i don't know the lyrics well enough yet to play this game
  21. That's the secret, right there! that and conscious effort. Things don't change overnight, and you have to have the intent and motivation necessary to knock those bad thoughts out of your mind and replace them with good ones! soon it will become second nature to not pay attention to the negative voices, and things will be much better!!!
  22. His style really is simply fabulous!
  23. Exactly he knows that if it wasn't for the fans, he wouldn't be where he was today he's humble, and that's so attractive in an artist. YAY MIKA!!
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