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Status Updates posted by superstar

  1. No way! I thought there wasn't enough space! SCORE!!! :huglove:


    Thanks so much!!! Will get my supplies together!

  2. Sweet! Maybe wear them when you model the new jacket!


    How is that coming along btw? I was too slow to sign up (:doh:) but I am eagerly tracking it. Looks like it's gonna be totally amazing!

  3. I wanna seeeee! And I bet you will totally rock it! :band:



    Rocked it, gurl! :punk:

  5. Hey Birthday girl!


    Was wondering ... when did Bob Geranium come about? He mentioned it recently as a dog name, but I was wondering when he had mentioned it before ...

  6. I assume so, seeing as it was on the "Adele/Mika Kids" names poll. Ah, that craziness.


    Will ask Nono. :bow:


    Thank you!

  7. Wait, Christine ..


    Have already sent my answers for Jeopardy (so you won't be giving anything away) but when did we find out the name Bob Geranium before this week? Because I know we were naming Mika/Adele's kids that .. and it's Nono's MFC Facebook name ...


    What I'm trying to say it, what is the significance of Bob Geranium? :roftl:

  8. Congrats on winning the word game! :woot_jump: !!

  9. How does it feel to be in the MFC crossword!???



  10. Seriously? Have you ever taken singing lessons? You rocked it gurl!!! :shocked:


    Ha, maybe we will. Practically had to pay Indz to do this one with me, haha :aah:

  11. NEVAR! Yours was the best! Nooo lie! We need more Mika songs so you will sing them :teehee:



    Not like my hopes up are anything buttt... I put a pic of myself in there JUST in case Mr M came on the forum today ...



  13. Chicken ... YOU ROCK! :punk:


    Where are you from?

  14. Hey Deb ...


    So, Texas USED to be its own nation. Plus, we retain the right to become our own nation again at any time! So, what do you think about letting me become the one and only #1 REPRESENTATIVE FOR TEXAS?


    :puppy_eyes: Pweeeease!

  15. HOW DO YOU FIND #1028??? :crybaby:

  16. Blue Sky! You rock!!!


    Thank you so much for everything you are doing today!


    You da besssttttt. :wub2::groovy:

  18. How's it a'goin'??


    Love love your signature!

  19. Sure! American fans UNITE!


    Alright, I'm off to bed so I can be fresh for MFC earrrllllyyy tomorrow morning. Night! :bye:

  20. Yeeey found it! At 7:04

    It's overdubbed, but you can definitely tell what he's saying. :yay:


    And he totally does! If he doesn't do a gig any closer to my humble state, I may just have to make the trek up to the Big Apple!

  21. Okay, I *think* i found it, but I need to let the video buffer so I can be sure it's right. :wink2:


    And RADIO CITY :drool: :drool: indeed!! What a perfect stage for a perfect performer. :groovy:

  22. Mmk, so here's the direct link http://www.rtl.nl/components/programma/life4you/miMedia/2009/week53/zo_mika.avi_plain.xml


    But that didn't work on my computer, so here's the download link, just in case : http://www.sendspace.com/file/016avr


    And that's the interview where he mentions the places he'll be touring this year. Now let me go find the one where he talks about Radio City Music Hall in NYC ...

  23. Okay, okay, sorry, had to shower, NOW i'm going :teehee:

  24. One sec, I'll find it :wink2:


    I am so excited!!!

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