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Soaring Simpson

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Everything posted by Soaring Simpson

  1. Hi, Coolrose by the sea (it's cool living by the sea, isn't it?) and Red77 and Superstar I'd say this is the sexiest performance But this is what turned me from music lover to fangurl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxGU46zH9tI
  2. I'd go for this one Just the first couple of minutes. And check out the "looking for something" thread (if you've got HOURS of free time or can live without sleep).
  3. Sorry, got carried away and forgot the actual thread topic I think that while Mika might have started by writing about a girl who pursued him, at the back of his mind he was thinking of himself stalking the people in the music industry, trying to force them to listen to him. My own question- Is SITM addressed to his parents (I think Cubitus said in the Beirut gig thread that he dedicated it to his dad)? If so, does he seriously expect them to answer "Are 5 kids better than one?" with "No, son, we wish we'd just had you!" Or what?
  4. I think it's a good idea- and maybe one which needs to be faced before the second album comes out (so we've plenty of time!) I know it's boring for people who discussed things back in spring 07 to read the same points being made again and again. But as someone who only bought LICM in spring 08, I'd rather discuss things myself, with other new (or rejeuvenated) people, than just read an old discussion. Perhaps some threads could be flagged as "repeats". I've also noticed slight antagonism between people who diligently read all posts in a thread and people who don't. Perhaps other threads could be flagged for "serious readers" Or something?
  5. (You know, you really did ask for this) How do you make the gifs small enough to upload (as a sig)? Mine's only 2 seconds long- but it's about 700kb instead of <1kb! Please help me, dear Santa... ...'s helper
  6. More political than religious, I'd say Or perhaps censorship by computer? What country was it (if you don't mind my asking)?
  7. Love it! Because -that's my favourite shirt he's wearing -I don't think I ever so such a clear, steady, near gig video I'm kind of curious to know what Andy looks like too, and I think he's a "public" person to...
  8. Slightly off subject, but my (church) youth club didn't know who Mother Theresa was when I said somehting like that to them. Some people shouldn't be forgotten
  9. Now, to me, the wishbone vid was a picture of alone-ness. Forced labour, like a chain gang, yes, but solitary. Mind, I also thought it'd look right at home in Dr Who
  10. Me too- You know, I've actually got stuff in the house that I haven't played/ read because I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.
  11. Hi- I'm in here too. Found I had to skip too many pages in the official thread (bored, not offended, though it sounds like I dropped out before it got too bad) I've enjoyed all the blogs, but like the written ones best. Also, I like the occasional snippets of emotion rather than info- but, guy like, Mika doesn't go much for talking about his feelings, except after the Beirut gig. And the press thread I liked the interviewer who didn't let him get away with saying his house was the most Lebanese thing about him, and got him to say his cheerful resiliance was.
  12. Things like being Mika's smile fan #71 or Oldling #379. Until now I haven't seen any posts saying "can I join?"
  13. How do you get a number for these things? Do you have to post a picture?
  14. Not for me- I love the look- he should have one for every day for the rest of his life- and his entourage too! (Or he could do laundry, I suppose)
  15. Thank you so much Dana- and Cubitus and Racha I loved looking at the Lebanese newspaper. When I was living in a Sudanese school in the eighties and the British press was full of the Lebanese civil war, me and all the Sudanese woman teachers used to grab every Lebanese paper and magazine we could, because to the Sudanese Lebanon meant GLAMOUR- which was a strange idea to me then. And now, after so much more trouble for Lebanon, I'm looking to their press for fun again. And it sounds like they are too! I hope everything works out for them. (And no, I can't, and couldn't, read Arabic- I just look at the pictures and try to decipher proper names)
  16. Must admit I don't agree. I saw the screencap and was mildly interested then forgot about Mika's dad. If I'd logged on later and seen all this deleting of pictures and yet all these other people saying how proud he looked (unstated message: "I'm an insider, so it's OK for me to know") I'd have been avidly curious. Come to think, I've seen this on other threads too.
  17. Yes, it's good to know he feels good about it
  18. Yeah, hi Jeanine, I'm new too- you'll find there's lots of people here and very friendly
  19. Sorry, but after 28 years here, so am I Only time I got round to trying to get one I was in Brighton (being thick)- they all thought I was hallucinating
  20. Hi Frank, I'm new too, but you'll soon find everyone's really nice here
  21. And I really, really hate that he's not 46-50 and living on Teesside
  22. Thank you agnieszka, for a minute I thought you'd all realised I was faking knowing chatroom speak!
  23. It's typical British boy behaviour. My boss does it too. He behaves himself during high level sales pitches to clients, but otherwise he will swear even in professional situations. I swear a lot myself so I am very comfortable with it. In Mika's case I found it quite endearing. Until I went to one of his gigs and heard him swearing on stage I had imagined him to be a bit of a dork in real life. I began to like him as a person when I realized he was just a typical British boy in some respects. (above is a quote from Christine, seem to have mucked that up, sorry) I don't mind swearing normally- it's just part of life, or was, until we came under the influence of the US- but I think Mika sounds really fake, like someone told him cool people say f*ck all the time. And he says Blo*dy- I haven't heard that in centuries! Same when he talks about drinking. Which is a shame, cos mostly I like him being one of the most genuine people out there (IMO)
  24. Yeah!!! I love that its a written blog and not just a vid
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