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Soaring Simpson

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Everything posted by Soaring Simpson

  1. This is such an original idea! Mika can come share the view from my windows any time!
  2. Yeah- that worried me too I have absolutely no knowledge of the music industry, but I'm taking comfort from the fact that he's said he was writing songs for the second album before he finished the first.
  3. This is gonna be amazing, so many people! Kath, have you decided what you want us to do about the comission paypal are deducting. When you let us know, I'll pay in full. Thanks for everything
  4. No, he's in Best Act Ever at the EMAs (Europe), the link's to the VMAs (US)
  5. I'd volunteer too. But the Bohemian Rhapsody interview (in the Sunday Herald- I don't know it) apparently took place in his publicist's office. And come to think, he can hardly have fixed up all those interviews himself.
  6. I'm not suggesting he reads them himself- don't people and record labels have publicists/ PRs/ managers/ to do stuff like that? If I ever employed a publicist, I'd expect them to trawl the internet to find out if stuff was going down well. And to access content in other languages (without resorting to the enchantingly dotty Babelfish).
  7. There were plenty of tall ones about- I guess they couldn't see down far enough to see me
  8. Yeah, I'm only 5'2" (157) and you wouldn't believe the number of guys I went out with who were shorter than me if I was wearing heels. It was like a conspiracy of the male sex to reserve me for short guys. I always yearned for someone of, oh... about 6'3"- honest!
  9. I'm with you on both these! And like Dilek, I thinhk it's one expensive lighter.
  10. I agree! You say it's simple, but it's really strong for it. (And simple's relative, I couldnm't have either come up with it or drawn it)
  11. Have shoved my LICM CD into a computer and see that it offers me a link to "videos and live footage". However, despite this, and making me install Java and fill in a form, when I'd finally finished and clicked OK it said I had an "invalid CD"! So I gave up. Wouldn't mind knowing what the videos were though.
  12. It crossed my mind too. And do we know what the French and German fanclubs were saying (sincere question)? Maybe they had a Tired of Mika thread too! And yet he could just be real busy
  13. Woo hoo! And now I know what the chicket song is, I agree- I'd have preferred it to the Grace Kelly
  14. I like "Rain"! It's been buzzing round my brain all day, and that's before I saw this.
  15. Absolutely! The whole article's really interesting, though I don't really understand most of the tech stuff. And to me, May seems way late. Though again, this opinion's based on ignorance of how these things work.
  16. If you get the chance, I'd go. Which is the opposite of what I actually did- people were telling me for years I'd enjoy festivals, right from my teens, but I was over 40 before I gave them a go! As for smilies, I'm not a very visual person. Despite knowing they mean a lot to others, I don't even see the wretched things until I quote someone and see the words! I can just about remember to check them when I don't know whether someone's joking or not, and have even put in a few myself occasionally. But it's a genuine warning, if your post is full of smilies, I might not have seen them. Wish I still had dogs!
  17. Now who's jumping to conclusions? I have read the whole thread, I just don't assume that your liking one Christian Festival means automatically liking all others- which is more complimentary to you than the reverse, I think. Did you all PM Wealx before calling his post crap? Your post was ambiguous, and was taken in the context of your extremely angry reply to Wealx which contained it, and the angry posts which preceded it. In fact, my post was possibly the mildest on there! I'm in two minds about PMing in such a situation anyway. If a post is ambiguous and the query is by PM it can make the thread very hard to follow for others. Unfortunately, I can't tell you much more about Greenbelt than I already have, as I had a nasty virus the whole time I was there and spent the festival thinking "I can tell this is good but I wish I was in bed." It's one of the UKs biggest Christian festivals, about 15000 people for a 4 day weekend. Evangelican, but open with a large arts and politics content, and doesn't have the big mass worship sessions most other UK festivals do, instead it has a lot of smaller worship events throughout the day. Ironically, having been mildly miffed that at other festivals things like "drama" or "writing" invariably means rehashing a bible story, I found myself missing that ethos at Greenbelt. The festival started around the early eighties, but I gather I was unlucky to hit one with a seventies folk culture- it's different each year. SEe you!
  18. and your pics are now in my pc's Mika folder- thanks
  19. This thread must not die! (Be warned, this is my first attempt at posting pics) How about a shy smile- you know, the "goodness, all these people here to see me smile- gets me every time And another favourite oldie
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