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Soaring Simpson

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Everything posted by Soaring Simpson

  1. I've just finished reading Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Namesake" and don't know what to make of it. Has anyone else read it? Or seen the film? Reading it, sometimes I thought it was going to become a favourite, others I wondered why I kept turning the pages. I did- but I can't work out why. Any ideas?
  2. Have fun! Though I've been listening to their album on the bus to work some days this week- on its own, not mixed with other artists- and I found it a bit depressing. Maybe its me (I've got an ear infection and feel like death) but I'm less sorry now about missing out on thier tour.
  3. ... and I've ordered it. If I don't like it I'll blame YOU LOT :roftl:
  4. Sainsbury's have just delivered Cosmos Rocks, so I'm not reading this thread till I've heard it, but I'll be back
  5. Bonjour. Je suis toujours ici, mais je suis trop fatiguee d'ecrire beaucoup! (You can't use accented letters on this site, can you?)
  6. That's what I hoped it meant- but it's not what it says. You have to take out "other symbols texts and links..." or say "...avatars and signatures which include symbols, texts...." to make it mean what Babs said.
  7. Well, that's what it says- all the links to Christian bands, discussions of how to act- but it's hard to believe that's what it means. And there's the politics thread, and the Any Atheists, the Vegetarians... probably lots more
  8. Here's a couple more- Roxy Music- Love is the drug http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4_KFebLWpY0&feature=related Sailor- Glass of Champagne (I can't believe this is on here- or that I had the album and went to see these people twice) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FeISAc9j0WE&feature=related http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv-3_8t759I&feature=related Wizzard- See My Baby Jive http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u8PdHg84zUE And the first record I bought (to regain some credibility) Queen- Seven Seas of Rhye http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kcfWejk6zfw&feature=related
  9. Well I can see it- can't call it anything but a jacket if you ask me. Can't see any guy who looks like Martin though
  10. My Christian beliefs are a huge influence on the way I vote- and I think it's very important for Christians to vote for politicians who will act out what they believe to be Jesus' priorities. And while I'm against abortion, it's far from decisive (I don't think there is a serious anit-abortion party in the UK anyway) because to thousands of people dying in poverty our choice of government is vital and Jesus, living in a violent age, was very concerned how his followers treated the poor. (Note- I know that more than thousands are dying, I just believe that the choice Britons are actually given will only help or condemn thousands.) And human rights issues, and poverty relief issues abroad and at home have to be considered- which includes trying to puzzle out economic policy issues. Jesus spoke far more about money than sexual morality It used to bother me that I'd pray over my vote as well as reading the manifestos and newspapers, and think I got an answer from God, while equally sincere friends were doing the same and getting a different answer, but it doesn't now, I guess I believe that God doesn't WANT all Christians voting the same way. It's the policies that interest me though, not the faith of the candidate.
  11. I have prayed about it, it's funny, the LOrd seems a lot less bothered by it than I am. I've been through a lot of depression and stuff (for some 30 years), and am being brought out of it so, when I pray about seeming to have less time for God, He seems to be saying that it's good that I'm able to do more, and getting into a new routine will sort itself out, so long as I want it to, which I do. I started quiet times some 35 years ago, when the Gideons gave out their bibles at school, and have stuck to it since, sometimes in depth and sometimes more lightly. So maybe it's a real message not to worry-(though still to stick at it)
  12. I@m really struggling with this. I pray every morning for a fairly short time (I leave the house real early) but find that in the evening by the time I've done all the things I have to do, even when only spending about 20 mins on here while watching the news, it's time to sleep before I get a chance to read the bible and pray again.
  13. I'm really late on this, but those comments sound really hateful Ingie. I'm glad you're able to ignore them. I don't like the idea that it's someone who comes on here though, though it sounds reasonable.
  14. Well done for your decision! And good luck with the exam
  15. She's one of those people- I wouldn't say I was a fan, but I seem to have bought all her albums and play them quite a bit. The new one too. Other people, who I would be more likely to mention if asked who I liked, I don't play as often. I don't THINK it's snobbery, she's kind of undemanding to listen to. And gives voice to my inner stroppy teenager
  16. Is it me, or is everyone else as curious (or more) about the programmes people are showing as about their desktops?
  17. These are all great- I don't know if they're gonna cheer Mika up but they're doing wonders for me. Such a variety of views.
  18. Superstar, last time we talked I was well ahead of you on posts- well done!
  19. I'm thinking of getting it myself now (thanks to you lot)
  20. They don't come anywhere me though, and they're sold out. They're currently 99 in the album charts- 9 below Mika. If this is them, they won't get near him in the Sexy Pop Men lists though- All their reviews say they sound much older than they look, but they don't look young to me
  21. I'm sure they'll be just as please that YOU like them- and me They were well on display in one of the big music shops, but nowhere in sight in the other.
  22. Have never in my life met anyone famous after a gig or otherwise. But I got their cd on Mika's recommendation and really like it (the only one of his music recommendations that I do, though I might try Of Montreal), though I can't say which is my favourite as they're on my ipod and shuffled so I don't really catch their names (and to be perfectly honest, a lot of their songs sound a bit samey to me). I got the EP too. I've been trying to find out if they're touring. Or even if they're in the charts! All the shops in Middlesbrough that used to put their cds in chart order have now stopped and shuffled everything round.
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