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samantha who?

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Everything posted by samantha who?

  1. I dont like my first name! is Rosa I think it doesnt match with the second one! (Samantha) And I hate when people call me Rosa!!
  2. You're name is beautiful and is also the name of a godess in Roman Mythology! and it's my sister's name jeje:naughty:
  3. This is amazing! is so funny! I use TRESSEME too! jejeje!
  4. I dont hate you!! and I understand I feel ignored here sometimes:(
  5. Gracias!! s muy bello d tu parte!! pues si aki s para pasarla d lo mejor!!
  6. Hola!! pues si como stas!! si casi no hay gente y aki s bn temprano!
  7. Hey hola! pues yo no soy colombiana soy hondureña y creo q soy la unika aki n MFC asi q no c si m puedo unir aki para platicar con ustedes colombianas tan alegres!! ya q m stoy sintiendo solita!
  8. Be welcome!! my bestfriend bothered me with the same thing! but I make him like Mika now!
  9. What I know is that the religion is Christianism and it's divided into many root for ex: Catholic, protestant,... so I consider me Christian, I was christened in a Catholic church when I was 5 but then I started going to a protestant church but now I have a long time of not going to church and that's makes me feel bad sometimes but anyways I have Christ in my heart!
  10. HONDURAS Hi I'm Samantha Who? (my real name is Samantha Funez(15)) I'm th world representative for Honduras! I know my country isnt too know but is very beautiful! doesnt matter if it is small! Here Mika is not so known but several people( a very selected elite:mf_rosetinted:) know who is him I like his music! I think is because here people like other kind of music but anyway! A few months ago Mika started be more known here with "Relax" people asked for this song on the Radio, on TV, and also he was in the MegaTop of a local tvshow!! Its awesome!! So I will invite more Hondurans to join to MFC!! And if there's some here please show yourself please!! Dont be ashamed! Honduras is small but Beautiful!! Visit Honduras!! I recommend you the Bay Islands! is a Caribbean Treausure!!
  11. hey may I join! Im fifteen turning sixteen but Im Mika obsessive!
  12. Welcome!! You will have fun here!
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