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Everything posted by Lucrezia

  1. There will be another imitation of Mika next Saturday on Tale E Quale Show (rai1 at 21'10) Probably (not sure!) mika will be there for promotion
  2. I leave the full translation to the Subs team that I'm sure they'll make an incredible work Here a summary of the most interesting things he said today during the interview: Mika talked about the abuse he suffered from a teacher at school who ruined part of his life, especially his adolescence. This trauma has led him to not read and write normally and he brings the signs even now. He wants to fight against homophobia since in the past lots of people hurt him and help those who are less privileged than himself. He thinks about writing articles about food and nutrition and continuing his partnership with "Corriere della sera". So many many many columns will follow soon. The release of his book and his album is delayed even if he started to write again at the end of his summer holidays. He is writing new things, perhaps in reaction to the dictatorship of "background music". Longer and less structured songs, like landscapes. For more than 70% of men, Mom is the most important person. Writing songs allows him to preserve his fragility. Even men today should cultivate their own fragility. We forget the elasticity of when we were kids, so the heart in the storms of life is likely to stop and hide. Fragility is the antidote. He does not believe there is any difference between men and women. He talked about his family where the emotions continue to explode and they support each others. He talked about the beloved poet of the Great War Wilfred Owen. He talked about his relationship with Italy (shortly his new Rai program... he can't say anything for now). He said a wonderful sentence about Italy: "the more you know this country and the less you understand it, as in love" . Tomorrow watch out 'cause there will be a column about Mika on Corriere for sure!
  3. If you need a translation i can work about it tonight (more or less a summary) . Of course if anyone is not working on it already
  4. I'm so sorry for the loss. David was a lovely and warm person. He made me feel like I was part of the family and helped me in a very dark moment of my life. It makes me sad to know he's no longer with us. I'll miss him. RIP David.
  5. If you wanna watch the streaming from Rai about the presentation of #palinsestirai, here are 2 links: http://www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-51122b0b-d553-4ded-988e-1374019ae2d4.html http://www.ufficiostampa.rai.it/dl/UfficioStampa/Articoli/STREAMING-CONFERENZA-STAMPA-TUTTO-PUO-SUCCEDERE--66340425-82b1-4095-915a-6f262b0f6c7f.html And there is even a live blog http://www.tvblog.it/post/1470280/presentazione-palinsesti-rai-conferenza-stampa
  6. Nice performance! I even saw that he was even in TT on Twitter I setted my dvd this afternoon so now I have a recording in HD: if no one made it I can upload it. Let me know
  7. There were 2 instagram stories from Mika [yes Mika learned to use even that ] From last week From today [short video about a xmas party] 1408860153617713724_179779999.mp4
  8. If you wanna re-watch some pieces of the first show of Casa Mika, Raiplay is uploading them here http://www.raiplay.it/programmi/staseracasamika/ospiti
  9. Lovely blog Mary! Thank you very much!
  10. Mika is on the cover of Vanity Fair for a nice interview about "stasera casa Mika" and more. You can read a short piece of it here: http://m.vanityfair.it/people/italia/16/10/25/mika-intervista-foto-cover-vanity-fair-casamika?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=marketing&utm_campaign=vanityfair
  11. If you missed Mika's interview, you can watch it here http://www.raiplay.it/video/2016/10/Mika---Che-tempo-che-fa-del-23102016-951d51a2-b937-4b98-8d73-26f2ae4d6ea7.html Soon there will be even the second part!
  12. The program will start at 20:00 (IT TIME) and it will end at 22:50 (IT TIME) so we'll have an interview with Mika in the first part of the program (20-21.30) and then he will be with other guest in the whole second part and he will interact with everyone there with funny sketches. There will be a replay of the program in the same evening thanks to Rai Play and the day after on the Twitter and YT account of "CheTempoCheFa" there will be some vids of the program.
  13. At the end it wasn't a proper article written by Mika but just a pseudo-interview/story Oh well better than nothing Translation: soon Dario, Mika and the apocalypse The odd couple had met two years ago to "Invasioni Barbariche" of daria bignardi. They liked from afar and there they told it, singing Ho visto un re, the song written by Fo in 1968 and then sung by Enzo Jannacci. After that, they were never lost, determined to do things together. And now that Dario Fo is gone, Mika remembers the many hours spent together, talking and imagine. "He had a punk spirit and manifested it with joy. We met at his house, at least once a week, for three or four hours. I went in and the first thing I saw was a clothes hanger, where he had left hanging on the coat of Franca, with the pink scarf that he had begun to wear always. About Her, he has not spoken much publicly, but privately we did it, partly because it was impossible for me to be with him without thinking of her. We were sitting at his desk, preparing something that was partly written, partly improvised. We imagined the end of the world, a flood that forced two men, an old and a young man, to take refuge in a cave. I, the young, think of all the things that I can not do if the world really ends, and he not only teaches me but, following the memories, mends the rips that were in his existence. Mika says that it was a privilege to know him, in so many ways, even just the observation: "I watched him write, and he had this fluid way to put in words the thoughts. He attached himself to the real and imaginary characters. I had 'the impression that there was no difference between his life and his works. There was the absurd everywhere in reality and imagination." He himself was absurd, but very credible: was funny, made you think, made you angry, and he had no fear. An intellectual is not to be a snob and he was an anti snob, one of the greatest enfant terrible ever existed. As Coocteau, Oscar Wilde, Matisse and Cole Porter: all persons that cause life, but also they live it in every way. " And this is his being the enfant terrible that attracted Mika. "It 'sa quality that I search in people, because for me it is a great source of inspiration. I search and I surround me with people that provoke creativity in me, give me a different perspective. My friendships are based on this quality." When I ask him what, on the other hand, Dario Fo may have found in him, Mika remains silent for long. And then: "I really do not know, I only know that he gave me a lot of tenderness."
  14. Mika wrote an article about Dario Fo on Vanity Fair n.42! We can read it tomorrow! Stay tuned!! I'll post the scan
  15. Mika's concert at Bercy will be broadcast on France 2, Friday, November 11 at 22.30
  16. Incredible 10 years! I can't really imagine! I'm in for a big party and this time there are some good chances that I'll join
  17. Hahahahahaha pazza pazza pazza idea! Grazie per il messaggio Deb!
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