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Everything posted by faballa

  1. hallo, ihr beiden - ich habe gerade euren... rap gelesen und liege unter dem tisch
  2. Oh, hallo!!! Ich wusste nicht, dass es hier auch einen Deutsch-Thread gibt, das ist eine nette Überraschung! .... jetzt habe ich einiges nachzulesen *gg*, bis "später" dann
  3. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=DrQRS40OKNE - sounds a bit depressive, but I'm looking out for another videos of them, I'm sure they have also some songs a bit "luckier"
  4. Funny, just an hour ago I've read in the newspaper that Fleet Foxes will perform on next sunday here in Vienna, my home-town. And now I see that we have an own thread for this band! hmmm, should I go to their gig, I'm not sure.... to hear some songs from them is ok, but a whole concert could be boring, isn't it??????
  5. oh, thank you for the new pics, you've found, dani!! He still looks very strange for me, but I work on me to get used on his new outlook - but I would give a lot to hear him singing during this event, how his sometimes crazy charakter and special kind of singing fit to his styling. It must be a new feeling, a new experience to get :rolls_eyes:
  6. I don't think Mika will keep this hair-dressing for his new tour (somebody was afraid about it!) - because with such a correct style he cannot jump over the stage like he is always doing, this wouldn't fit together.) And so I trust to his lively temperament that there are soon his curls again!
  7. I've found it somewhere in this forum - but I still not know where... propably on one of the thousand mikagasmics-pages?? But this pic very touches me! One of his first "gigs"..
  8. schlafen gehen ......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..................

  9. But you have it well done your German-speaking!

  10. I really would like to hear Mika singing a Christmas Song!! because I love that special time with all traditions - but on the other hand it could be a little bit .. ähm, strange when Mika sings a song like "Silent Night" in his special style . I am sure he gives each Xmas Song a new colour.
  11. Bist du denn aus Deutschland ;)

  12. Mir gehts ganz gut, bin zur zeit nur verschnupft. So, jetzt bin ich Youtube rauf und runtergesurft und finde tatsächlich nichts Neues mehr von Mika... jetzt wäre ein kitzekleiner blog wieder anregend. Doch solange sein Album nicht so gut wie fertig ist oder er auf Sophies Antwort reagiert hat, hat er nichts Neues zu berichten und was sollte er sonst schreiben? Moment - da waren doch noch unsere Fragen, die er sich hernehmen könnte! Hattest auch du ihn etwas direkt gefragt?

  13. thanx, I'm fine - only a little cold, but not so bad. Can't wait for a new gig!! cauz I never was on a single one :( ... and you? How many times you have seen mika life on stage?

  14. Ich komme aus Wien - ich habe den leisen Verdacht, dass du zumindest aus Deutschland kommst ;) ??

  15. thanks for your request :) - and I really like your avatar, am a fan from Jason Isaak and especially of his arrogant part as Lucius Malfoy!

  16. So, I give it up and go to bed now - perhaps it brings you all luck - good night all!
  17. @sabine64: perhaps a witch has bewitched him during the halloween night.... I know, a knockdowned thought
  18. wir können uns aber PNs schreiben!

  19. Good answer *lol*

  20. Perhaps Mika is sleeping deep and fast to give away his drunk from the last Halloween-night.... hope he didn't get a headache!
  21. Good point - this COULD be a reason for the delay . rest on my ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  22. Perhaps all our questions now are a bit too private, too personal ? But no, this cannot be the real reason .
  23. oh dears, in ten minutes it's 11..... ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg ... one of mika's watches should ring at this time
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