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165 Excellent

About mine

  • Birthday 11/05/1959


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    FRANCE (North of France)
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    I'm a researcher (medical research, a mother and a grandmother!!! :)

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  1. Thanks a lot for the videos!! It was a beautiful evening! A big THANK YOU Mikateam and MFC for this great opportinity
  2. Bonne anniversaire image.jpeg.711ba3ba3d7f0a40497d4d2d0da71c78.jpeg

  3. Hello everybody! Payment done for and Philippe!!! So happy to see you again!
  4. Bonne anniversaire  :happybday:



    1. mine


      Thank you very much😀😘

  5. For all the MFCers FREDDIESDOUBLE is a legend. Thank you David for all that you made for the Mika's fans and thank you for the small conversations which we had on twitter... I'm so sad ... RIP
  6. Bonne Anniversaire

  7. Thank you Deb!???? 10 years already...????
  8. "Universal et CGR Events, en accord avec Mika, proposent une séance exceptionnelle au cinéma. L’occasion pour les fans de voir " cette lettre d’amour à Paris " en avant-première, dans plus de 150 cinémas participant." they say "en avant première" , that means "in preview", so I think It will be shown in TV too and may be a DVD
  9. No news about a MFCiers presale for the 30-31 dec gigs?
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