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Posts posted by identicaltwin3

  1. Seriously, WAG is a good pop song. It's catchy, the melody gets stuck in your head. Of course it ain't his best song ever, and yeah it sounds like 80s rock, but i'm surprised in a very positive way (for a change). In fact, I dare say it came as a relief after the EP, for me at least.:aah:


    I like how people disagree on everything he does, isn't that refreshing? :wink2:


    All the more so as in the long run we're all going to :wub2::fangurl::swoon: ... :wink2:





  2. maybe that's the reason why it's his 1st single- this song has the potential to be a HIT! and honestly he NEEDS to do this, aft a long long break (or disappearance for non-fans). and IMO, the Song for Sorrow EP can compensate that, and i'm sure the rest of the album will as well, since Good Gone Girl give me that "feeling":biggrin2:


    Yep, we tend to forget that the artist is a businessman too :wink2: . And a shrewd one at that :thumb_yello: .





  3. Oh well.

    I wouldn't say I'm very disappointed, but underwhelmed does fit the bill.

    When I first heard that tacky sprechgesang fragment I was hoping for the rest to pick me up but now I find that exact bit the most catchy part of the whole song.

    I know that it's just me (as usual), I'm sure pretty much everyone else is amazed, but those months and months of building up expectations kinda backfired here with me. I really did expect something spectacular. A second Grace Kelly or something equally brilliant. But this just sounds to me as if it was originally written for the K36 girls. I'm sure it will go to #1 and stay there for a while but for me it just lacks about everything. Hope the album will contain one or another marvel.


    I am with you :emot-sad: .

    Still, and especially with Sire, you can't judge a song before you've seen him perform it live :original: .





  4. In one of those reviews they put the tracklist. I wonder if it is the real one:blink:


    Anyway here it is:


    1) Intro

    2) We Are Golden

    3) Blame It On The Girls

    4) Rain

    5) Dr John

    6) I See You

    7) Blue Eyes

    8) Good Gone Girl

    9) Touches You

    10) By The Time

    11) One Foot Boy

    12) Toy Boy

    13) Pick Up Off The Floor


    Can't wait to hear : 'Touches you' :fangurl: ...





  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lelV8jbux1A


    I've uploaded the video, if anyone wants I can put the mp3 on megaupload. I think my video will be deleted soon, but we'll see :teehee:


    Thanks a load :huglove: ! Brilliant slideshow too :thumb_yello: ... where were they ?

    As for the song... I :dunno: . A little bit too Michael Jacksonish for my taste :bored: .

    But then I am hardly a love at first hearing person :no: and I'll wait until I have seen it performed on stage before making up my mind about it.





  6. Love Today at latitude

    and Fanny's other Latitude videos (thanks Fanny)




    Thanks, Fanny and congrats : not easy to film at a festival, what with all the dancing and pushing :thumb_yello: !


    Thank you also for introducing me to Raphael Saadiq :huglove: ... I didn't even know the guy existed. That's the magic of music -and utube:wink2: -. Have you started a thread about him yet ?





  7. LOL! My reputation! :naughty:


    I liked Back in Black but after a while thought they were a bit

    same-y same-y -- still, as I said before, I might go to one of their

    shows, one never knows! :punk:


    BTW -- still no word from the Ticket Fairy. However, I don't think she

    normally works on Sunday... takes her cues from the Big Guy. :)


    Well, none of my business really, but perhaps you shouldn't :no: : you are way more famous than they are now, ACDCwise :bow: , and they would probably resent :fangurl: filming you instead of the stage ... artists don't like people to steal their thunder :furious: .





  8. hey guys, all the reports are great, nice to hear about others intake of it all


    i went too,, it was my first viewing of Mika live, and i must say, it was AMAZING!!!!

    it was a shame my camera got broke the week before but the experience was great!

    i loved all the songs he played, an sang along i was pleased i knew more words than the others around me, i was about 6 or 7 rows back but still, i am glad i got there early or i prob wouldnt of seen him. glad i got to tho


    after the performance, i was goin to leave the arena, but decided to stay an see the next act.. an while musing around the arena, a lady came up to me an asked to take a pic of her an some others ....


    i didnt realise untill they got the flag out that they were from here too

    im so happy i got to meet them, an honoured to of took the pic for them


    im sad to say i had to leave shortly after that,,, i cant believe i missed Mika coming out an talkin... an him in the woods... but happy to of seen him perform


    You first M gig :fangurl: ! I'm so :dance_man: for you !





  9. Like someone said earlier, Itunes indeed gives away last minute ticks (a hundred or so) for most of the gigs. What you need to do is stand in a "standby tickets" line and it's first come first served. I guess this could also be an option if the ticket fairy never shows up but I suppose that'd mean going to the venue very early (for a change :wink2:)


    Thanks for the info, Niki :huglove: ... , guess it comes as a relief to fans who were becoming sore waiting. As you say, queuing up hours is nothing new.





  10. Take it you are refering to me here? How dare you!

    I Don't call deb that...in fact I am the one WHO CORRECTS YOU!!!

    What I don't understand is if you are bidding for someonelse why you want everyone to bid? wouldn't that just make the bids go higher! and you should want to get the ticket for as little as you can....unless you are just wasting money.

    Why doesn't the person bid themselves?


    WW love your pic! just need the tickets now


    I had already booked for London that weekend so tickets would be fab but I know how to entertain myself in London if not...all I need to to get rid of this bloody Swine flu and will be sorted!



    Oh, my dearest blonde, I remember you posting on a thread, using my very personal nickname for Deb -how dare you :sneaky2: !- and adding : Sorry, I couldn't resist it, or Sorry but it's funny or something like that. Well, you are forgiven, you know what's mine is yours, don't you :wub2: ?


    I bid for somebody who is unable to do so herself at the moment, and you know what a good friend I am :wink2: .


    I don't believe my teasing will push people to bid higher. Not one iota. They will probably follow Niki's sound advice and wait in the stand-by queue for the real Ticket Fairy to make them happy fans :fangurl: .


    Yep, Willy's pics are always brilliant. Guess I am a little jealous though, I can only just manage the smilies :naughty: .





  11. ID, i would be pleased to have a toy boy for a gig , but i don't bid ( i'am not a real fan perhaps?), so i can't take the risk to pay flight + hotel and wait like you all hoping for an eventuel free ticket.

    Imagining me left just in front of the door....i would jump into the Thames.:aah::sneaky2:


    You'd jump into JCD's arms, looking like a hurt :puppy_eyes: , and he would crack and lead you -and your escort boy, of course- backstage all the way to the front of the stage :fangurl: ...


    Seriously, who knows, a Ticket Fairy may still make you a very happy fan :wink2: ?


    Not a real fan ? You're kidding us :shocked: !





  12. The gig threads are not here for you to amuse yourself by making repeated snide comments directly and indirectly to moderators and members because you are bored.


    In fact none of the threads on MFC serve that purpose so I recommend you keep such uncalled for and unprovoked comments to yourself.


    You win :thumb_yello: ! I am speechless :shocked: !





  13. Hi Suzy, well, it is the advantage of not having anyone to consider other than myself (as in no dependants). I just run my plans by Dave and he says 'Whatever' :thumb_yello:






    Oh, I see, thanks. Well, at that price I will stand outside:naughty:


    At that price, I am going to chat up Lill into accepting me as her escort toy boy at the Roundhouse :wink2: ...


    Needless to say the 1000 pds was a joke... even she is not that :insane: .





  14. Okay can we please get back on topic here since this is a gig thread.


    ID3 if you've got an issue with the material posted on MFC you can bring it up with the moderators in PM and not be making references to people's personal lives so they are put in a position of having to defend themselves publicly and derail the thread.


    Don't be so pompous, love, Willy and I have been fencing for ages, she even asked me to shut up and translate once, even my partner wouldn't get away with it and she did :shocked: .

    And she did advertise her lovely puppy here :wub2: .


    Talking about not having any sense of humour... yes, Willy, you are right, it's one of the saddest things one can imagine :emot-sad: . And worrying too, I am still to meet a fanatic with a sense of humour... and I am not talking about :fangurl::roftl: .


    As for derailing the thread, good thing we have some off topic material to discuss or we would get bored stiff waiting for the Ticket Fairy to move it :naughty: .





  15. If I were his family, I'd probably get sick of hearing the same songs and watching the same performance :dunno:


    Just goes to show what a great bunch of people they are :wub2:


    One thing is sure, his father is not blasé about his talent.

    You can see him on June 11th enthusiastically shaking it with the crowd during Relax :insane: , or sending big balloons back to the stage :freak: , next to Yasmine who was much more sedate.

    I suppose working with her brother, which MHP Snr doesn't, takes off part of the magic ? Proud as she obviously is, JP is quieter during gigs too.





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