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Everything posted by willywonka

  1. He got second nationality coz he doesnt want to pay french taxes...
  2. Nope, i called there, they're having no reservations for tonight...
  3. You are sensitive person with a strong intuition. You are also very lucky and attractive, you cheer people easily. Though you are keen on critisizing yourself and other people,you see the real life clearly and you can solve all your problems just in a second. "Grace Kelly" 85% "Stuck In The Middle" 70% "Billy Brown" 70% "Love Today" 60% "Relax (Take It Easy)" 55% "Lollipop" 45% "Any Other World" 40% "My Interpretation" 35%
  4. I wasnt joking! I really felt like closing it last night, but then i got so many msg claiming it back i had to reconsider and ask Chistine to forget about it... Sorry, i wont!
  5. You can whatever you want but we've got to face it... He's entertaining eveyone he can get!!!!
  6. And what does this newflame has to do with him picking famous guy up off the floor?
  7. His ultimate flame, he's been entertaining her a lot around paris...
  8. And i almost missed this one: MIKA ENTERTAINS A GENT... in paris...again What's with Paris that makes him entertain everyone?
  9. He should have said, if you can look hot during the process...
  10. With a little more practice we could see them both dancing in the Royal ballet!
  11. Wouldn't you??? Ouuuffaaa! thought u came into send me to the NC....
  12. He is!!! He could look such a fool doing these silly things and he doesn't, he always looks cool doing it!
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