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Everything posted by willywonka

  1. Ijust read on my fb timeline that this song is played on Les Miserables... Anyone seeing it might confirm, please?
  2. They invited him to be the godfather, you mean... If she peed herself when she wasnt pregnant, she will be in need of a silver bladder now she is.... Or her bladder will burst next time she's on stage... Maybe that's what she was asking Mika for...a silver bladder...
  3. I just thought it would be weird to do a phone interview in this case...
  4. How can he be interviewed by GN in the UK being in Portland, USA, that day???
  5. I've never seen this many butt close ups in my whole life!!!
  6. Wait! Who did the subtitles???? They're genious... Specially the part about "THE Mika, thoughtfully, under the hummingbird bus, etc.... "The" Mika!!!
  7. How come u have no friends here yet????

  8. The character!!! If only my paint was installed in this computer... I wonder if Mika will ever do a cover of "I'm a cider drinker"....
  9. That's what i noticed too and wote it in the other thread....
  10. Isnt that last year's doodle? It would seem they changed the 2 into a 3...
  11. But there is, Marylin, Mika has been in Lisbon for 2 days now... Who says he's not coming to get his house next to mine this time?
  12. Yes, and other veggies...that's where the idea of a veggie orchestra came from...
  13. It's nothing but a cameo role,ffs! He might as well stand as a rock or be a passing by onion seller, which i believe woud fit him, as he came here for fresh products...
  14. Though there are stories of british artists that go to the us to escape uk taxes
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