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Everything posted by lyli21

  1. An extract of Relax Sorry i'm moving a lot...it was very difficult to dance and to film at the same time I have other better videos, will post them as soon as i can
  2. Here my report, but i apologize in advance for my english mistakes So i arrived in the venue with my cousin at 12h and nobody was there There were only a few people who were preparing the stage. I managed to enter inside to see the place and i discovered the venue : it was the set of the clown, almost the same as in the parc des princes show ! well i was very surprised to see it but it was very beautiful. I stayed there for about one hour and i went outside to wait. We were alone until 16h. The waiting was very pleasant, there was gardens all around I didn't see Yasmine when she came to choose the big girls and lollipop but i know that his mother was not there. I saw Zuleika after the show. We began to enter at 19.30 and i managed to be in front row just in front of David The first part began at 20h40 it was a DJ called DJ danger, he sang during almost one hour. It was very cool and people were having fun with the music (i was dying in the front row with the people behind me !!) but it was sooooooooo long People at the end were boring and started to scream MIKA MIKA MIKA i think the DJ understood this and he left the stage Mika entered at 22h i think and he began with relax. The atmosphere was crazy !! People were jumping dancing singing, i was sooooo happy to see this !! Mika looked very happy to be here !! And then Big girl (with Big girls on stage), Stuck in the middle (he told us before singing that it was his first concert in Tunis his first show after 2 months, and that he was going out from retreat tonight ) Blue eyes, Billy brown (before singing, he talked about his sister accident and he dedicated the show to her He told us that he was planning maybe to cancel the gig, but as Paloma was getting better he's very happy to maintain it) Then Happy ending (i'm almost sure he had some tears, that was SO moving ), Love today but without the "macabre march" , he began it without any introduction. But the scene of the crime was always here He sang WAG, with a beginning on the piano that was sooooooooo beautiful !!! I remember that he told us he lost his setlist so that he was going to sing the songs at random (that's maybe why i heard sweet dreams during the rehearsals but not during the gig ) He sang of course Grace kelly (with the beginning in french) Dr John, Blame it on the girls (the crowd was in fire !! he divided the crowd into 2 as usual) Kick ass (I was sooooo surprised to see everybody singing it with him !!) Rain (it was just CRAZY !!!) and at the end of course Lollipop ! I don't remerber the order of the songs sorry ! The staff of the venue was giving light stick to everybody, i think it's maybe Orange (the sponsor) who had this wonderful idea : all the crowd was illuminated it was sooooo beautiful ! Well the gig was really amazing, and it was a real pleasure to see him smiling and dancing ♥♥ I regret maybe that he didn't say a word in arabic but well, i understand. Maybe the next time ! And i was so surprised and happy to see all the tunisians singing with him all his songs !! I managed to see him after the show, he looked good and i told him that all the MFC was supporting him in this moment I'm uploading my pictures and videos now !!
  3. lyli21

    Hello ! comment vas tu ? :teehee:

    Tu vis ou deja au Maroc ?

    Moi sinon ca peut aller, comme tu as pu le voir on a enfin eu de bonnes nouvelles en ce qui concerne Paloma :teehee::teehee:Je suis si soulagée de lire ca !!! :blush-anim-cl: Le concert à Tunis est toujours maintenu :thumb_yello: et je prend l'avion dans quelques jours inchallah :teehee: Bon apres je me demande s'il va etre comme à son habitude sur scene c a dire dechainé, joyeux, je ne sais pas trop. En meme temps comme tu l'as dit il aurait peut etre envie d'evacuer tout ce qu'il vit à coté et donc justement se donner à fond. C'est vrai que la grande majorité des tunisiens ne sont pas au courant de l'accident en plus :boxed:

    Moi personnellement j'ai vraiment hate :biggrin2: mais je ne sais pas trop comment me comporter durant le show, j'oserai pas danser chanter comme dh'abitude je me sentirai coupable :sad: .

    Enfin bref on verra tout ca samedi, trop hate :teehee: Je viendrais faire mon CR biensure :thumb_yello:

  4. lyli21

    Merci pour ton gentil message ;) Oui ca y est enfin c'est arrivé. Mais malheuresement avec les moments difficiles qu'il est entrain de vivre je pense que ca sera reporté (pas annulé j'espere :sad:) Un Mika sur scene qui ne s'eclate pas et qui ne degage pas d'energie "mikanesque" ce n'est pas Mika. Je prefere donc que ca soit reporté jusqu'à ce que tout aille mieux dans sa famille. Elle passe avant tout ;)

    Dans tous les cas nous en sauront plus cette semaine inchallah....nous sommes de tout coeur avec elle.

    Au plaisir de te lire et j'espere que ta connexion internet va se retablir vite ! lol

    Bisous :wink2:

  5. lyli21

    Coucou Malak comment vas tu ? ca fait longtemps ! :shocked: (je suis enfin allée sur le thread marocain, dslée de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tot)

    Quoi de neuf alors ?

    Tu as vu Mika a confirmé un concert à Tunis le 23 octobre octobre prochain :teehee::wub2: Ca va etre tres emouvant pour moi de le voir la bas :teehee: Je ne suis pas née en Tunisie mais quand meme, ce sont mes origines :wub2: Tu aimerais venir ?

    Gros bisous :teehee:

  6. Coucou ! J'espere que vous allez bien C'est la 1ere fois que je viens ici j'aurai du venir plus tot je m'en excuse (et dire que Malak m'a invité sur ce topic depuis le mois le mois de juin ) Je suis partie 2 mois en vacances en Tunisie et donc je ne me suis pas svt connectée Donc 3615 my life off et me revoila ! Alors et vous quoi de neuf ??? Il y a beaucoup de marocaines ici à part Malak ? Manifestez vous ! (bon moi je suis d'origine tunisienne comme vous aurez pu le remarquer ) Mika a confirmé un concert en Tunisie le 23 octobre prochain certaines seraient tentées d'y aller ?
  7. Very beautiful pic Dark Angel I'm going to see them tomorrow night in Lille, can't wait !!! :wub2: I will make you a report and post my pictures and videos
  8. Je viens vous faire un petit coucou depuis le temps J'espere que vous allez bien, je vous souhaite un excellent week end ! Prenez soin de vous
  9. I'm looking for 2 tickets for the POUPET Festival please PM me if you have !!
  10. lyli21

    Hey !! oh mais je t'en prie c normal ! j'ai directement pensé à toi dès que je l'ai vu !! contente que tu en aies bien profité alors !! faudrait que tu me racontes !! on peut s'echanger nos msn si tu as ;))

    j'espere qu'il viendra en Tunisie oui, j'aimerais tant ! En attendant j'ai qd meme la chance de le voir en France mais c sur que le voir dans le pays de mes origines, ca serait pas pareil^^

    Wait and see !!


    Gros bisous ;)

  11. OMG that's the firt time i see this thread I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of GNR In fact my sister was a fan when i was younger and soo i've grown up with their music (yes i was hearing welcome to the jungle when i was 10 years old ) My fav song song of all time is November rain OMG so beautiful song Here a little link if you want to listen it again i've just heard yesterday night that they will be touring in France in september and october !!! They will be in Amneville on september 10, Paris bercy on september 13 and Lille on october 2 !! i've got my place to see them in Lille I've already had the chance to see them on stage in bercy in 2006 that was so GREAT !!(but the show began at 23:00:boxed:) Axl always sing his famous old song it was wonderful, especially novemer rain, i was crying well, hope my post is not boring you too much Here the poster for their european tour
  12. Here my videos of the show Solo of trumpet :roftl: Any other world Good gone girl I see you Rain La solitude
  13. Thank you for your beautiful pictures Nanouch, i love them :wub2: Here my videos End of "any other world" Extract Blame it on the girls Over my shoulder Extract Love today Mika speaking about his incident with the police Extract Lollipop
  14. Looking for 2 spares for luxembourg PM me if you have thanks !!
  15. Thank for all your videos !!! Here my video of Over my shoulder :wub2: I will post the other later
  16. No I'm sorry Deb :no: I've recorded in Nantes an extract of Relax, Blame it on the girls, rain, lollipop and all the song of over my shoulder (:wub2:) I will post them as soo as i can
  17. Hey Robertina ! Thank you for your kind message here et and on YT ! I'm sorry i haven't share my videos yet but i was so tired by the gigs :roftl:

    Now i will have time to share my pics and vids :thumb_yello:

  18. Yes it's me Thanks to Deb for confirming it I'm happy to see you like my video I have several videos of the french gigs i will post them tonight !
  19. I wish you all a great show....Have fun !
  20. That's very kind of you to offer this ! EDIT : I have a spare ticket for the luxembourg gig, PM me if interested
  21. Thanks Sephira for your videos ! Here mine : (but they're only extracts ) WAG Grace Kelly Rain Big girls Love today BIOTG Mika talking about the cancel of the lisbon's gig :wink2:
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