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Everything posted by Maaikie...

  1. Soooo I bought the ticket. No clue how I’ll get there yet. But I got the ticket🤩
  2. yessss boat ride! And my mother would love to join tooooo Though if it doesn't pan out, a regular not so regular party sounds fun too Reminding me of the 5 year MFC anniversary in London where we all danced in one big circle to Mika's songs.
  3. oh wooow that's so cute!! very clever with the phone lights!
  4. Och don’t worry about it The best part is that we all have 1 big thing in common: We love Mika and his music. The easiest conversation starter 👌 In Paris we had Mika’s songs playing; everyone was dancing ❤️ I went there on my own, but I knew I was going to be able to hang out with people. Plenty of folks I’ve already seen before or have known online for years, but I made new Mika friends too 😊 You’ll be fine ❤️
  5. Personally I do not think its normal to start queueing at 8am🥴 We Dutchies are never early like that. It’s usually the French or Italians that are the early birds lol (sorry but you know it to be true ). In Amsterdam 11 is the earliest I’ve been 😅 Then again, we have this ‘dont be crazy, you’re already crazy as is’ mentality so we just don’t do that haha edit; Plus I’d like to add that the last time we did numbers in Utrecht it went well until we could go up the stairs and they stopped us halfway the stairs. Was quite the mess. But I blame the venue on that one. We were all stuck on this tiny bit right in front of the stairs, squeezed into eachother like pigs ready for slaughter 😅 Ended up on 2nd row in the end, but boy was that messy. Plus me and my friends were separated because of it and they were about 2 meters away from me.
  6. This one? https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/1F005B8AF7BCE462?did=uklnfan2ps
  7. https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/1F005B8AF7BCE462?did=uklnfan2ps  with the code MFCSPRING
  8. I got a ticket for my Mother too (you’ll know her as Jojotje61, Jolanda), but she’s unsure she’ll make it, but there’s at least a chance now! 👌🥳
  9. You can use Klarna, Paypal or Creditcard, it changes automatically on your bank.
  10. But there was a Klarna option there! Maybe that can work? Saw paypal flash by as well I think? If you start over it will show up
  11. lemme get a phone contract so I can get a ticket lol.
  12. Help the website doens't change and the code is not valid helllp
  13. Oh boy oh boy this is exciting gonna try to do my best to get a ticket tomorrow Been wanting to go to a UK gig for years. Just something very special about them..
  14. Love this song so much haha <3 I hear it at work every day. Sometimes Jack on his own, and sometimes them together. Love our work radio Edit: WOOPS, saw it was already posted on the first page lol. Missed that. But it deserves the love anyway.
  15. Bahaha frans bauer If you mean his 'hmmmm' 'aaaahaa' moments then I can see that lmao
  16. I'm going to get one of these for my champagne cap Should be able to mount it to this pin. (link, it's a Dutch store Kralenstulpje.nl )
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