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Everything posted by Randumb

  1. Lol, "I also live with a penguin and he is called Humphrey" "SHE!" "sorry, she is called Humphrey"
  2. Wow, Thanks for posting. I think Mika's amazing -I don't see why sexuality has to enter into every conversation between Mika and a journalist. although I do think Mika did answer these questions superbly
  3. The CD store guy calling me and leaving a message telling me that Mika's CD 'TBWKTM' (The deluxe version) was in store NOW and that he reserved me a copy!!! xD
  4. I hate nightmares too! I remember one that I had and I was in hospital because I nearly died and they were trying to take me to a psychiatric ward because they thought I was insane o.O
  5. Lol, who wouldn't? xD


    Yes, I know. The live version of Dr John is amazing!

  6. lol, it's okay :)


    yep. xD I don't know why they did it though, I think they just saw me sneak on to it in class tehehe.


    I know! I can't wait for his album! it's going to be legendary!

  7. Lol, everyone will one day find a way to love Mika like all of his fans do :]

    I don't know how but I somehow manged to get some of my mates (who aren't obbsessed with Mika) to join the MFC and Mikasounds!

    My fave would have to be Blue Eyes.

  8. Wow! The cover art is ever so pretty! xD
  9. Yeah, They're all really awesome!

    But my favorite would have to be Kerascoet's Blue eyes

    && I love the lyrics to "Toy Boy"

  10. Yesterday, I got 'Songs For Sorrow' in the mail! & I'm still buzzin' from the excitment!!! xD rofl,
  11. Lol,


    I'm quite alright. I won 'Songs For Sorrow' and it came in the mail today! xD


    Rofl at least we're talking now! :]

  12. Ha! If only I wasn't a vegetarian.. xD Why don't we make it the best thing since tofu ?? lol.
  13. Yeah, Mika fans are awsome..


    I gtg, off to period 2.



  14. I'm bored...

    I'm ment tp be doing my class work but I'd much rather meet a Mika fan xD

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