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Status Updates posted by Elmindreda

  1. Aw...that's no fun. I just got over a cold myself. Today was a fun day. We went outside for band class because people were gone a field trip and played a word game called What's behind the green glass door? Other than that, my piano lesson was very tiring but very helpful. Now I feel like I should go to bed, but I need to do my Physics homework that I've been putting off

  2. How have you been doing, Sofia?

  3. I suppose that makes sense.

  4. I know you started a while ago, but I was just wondering, what compelled you to change your posting colour?

  5. Yeah, I'm a little snoopy sometimes.

    By the way, I love your Perry the platypus avvie!

  6. I love your dress!


  7. Thanks! I hadn't even noticed yet.

  8. Can you watch it online?


    Well, I just finished episode 10. I did not expect the ending. There are lots of good, confusing, and strange things waiting for you!

  9. Have you watched LOST yet? WOW......

  10. nice avvie. Of course I'll miss the old one, but this one's good too.

  11. Have have you been doing?

  12. I love your signature!

  13. Happy belated birthday! woohoo!

  14. I like that one too

  15. I like your newish avvie!

  16. I'll try to recreate parts of my letters while adding new things too

  17. I love your avvie!!!

  18. Yay! You're on MFC now, Esther!!! :welcomeani:

  19. Well, I sent you another one, too. So hopefully you'll get one of them.

  20. I love your sig! What you said in it is so true to me too!

  21. well, we had school today. It was, overall, a very uneventful day filled with nothing but Calculus and Music. But we have a delay for tomorrow already!!! It makes me so happy knowing that I can at least sleep in for a little longer.


    How are you?

  22. well maybe we won't have school tomorrow! it's only about 5 degrees Fahrenheit right now and it's supposed to snow 2-3 inches. but we'll probably have to go to school :(

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