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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. How are those word counts coming everyone?
  2. That stinks, I hope you guys start feeling better soon!
  3. My rear is feelin' like I need a new chair to keep at my desk. Or a very good cushion at the very least. I'm also getting very sleepy, it was a long day.
  4. The weather's great here too! Too bad I was stuck inside working for most of it, at least I wasn't freezing all day. I've almost reached my word count for the day. I'm so proud of me.
  5. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow! . . . that's how I feel.
  6. Oh, I got a little carried away with the nanowrimo merch I bought today. I wanted a poster but didn't have enough money for that and all the shirts I wanted to buy. Pluss I wanted one of their hoodies, maybe they'll still have the poster I want in stock the next time I have money.
  7. I'm starting to catch up on my wordcount. Yay! And I rather like this writing software. I might actually buy it while they still have it on sale. We'll see how it's going when I get my next paycheck.
  8. Haha, I come up with my best ideas when I'm writing something else. That's probably why I was able to write so much during highschool. Procrastination can be a wonderful thing.
  9. Working on my novel. I need to start getting ready for church soon if I'm gonna go.
  10. Haha, I always get mine when I'm working on another project. Very rude of them I'd say. Maybe you could try not thinking about it and it'll come to you. Sometimes looking at pictures inspire me. Music videos too.
  11. rule number one of nanowrimo: never read over anything you've written until November 30th! lol, the point is to just write, not getting anything worth reading out of it, if you're lucky you end up with somehting worth holding onto. I don't think you should give up. I know some people have scrapped what they've written and started over. No, you have to write something new. It can't be something you've written and then copy and pasted. I took an old idea I never got around to writing and went with that one since I already knew a little about where I wanted to go with it.
  12. You'd be surprised how much time you'll find. lol, I have way more than I thought I did. You don't have to write in English.
  13. I need to do some word battles. lol, because I'm not feeling very motivated to write today. I did download this writing software that has a free 30 day trial, it's half off during the month of November. I think I might buy it, I rather like it.
  14. Good for you! I have been very unmotinated this whole week so I'm really far behind. I went to my first write in today and got another 1,000 in today, Still have the rest of the day for writing.
  15. I'll have to read those sometime after I catch up on my word count. What was the book you wrote for Mika about? Yay! Good for you! It might turn out to be a good thing that you're doing it while getting ready for exams. Being that busy has got to help get rid of that inner editor. Good luck!
  16. lol, I used to read library books when I should have been studying something else.
  17. Ah, the joys of procrastination. I do my best writing when I'm procrastinating from something else.
  18. my to-do lists hardly ever get past that point . . . or I lose them.
  19. I don't have a lot of friends either . . . I'm getting to that point in my life where all my friends are starting families or getting married to their careers. No time for little old me. My younger sister has more of a social life than me, I hardly see her and she lives in the apartment above me! Maybe I'll make friends at the write in I'm going to tomorrow. Nah, that's too much to hope for.
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