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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Mika's new CD on iTunes and something to eat at Burger King. Today wasn't a cooking day.
  2. Someone gave me a chair for my new apartment today. I will now have something to sit on when I move in! lol
  3. My elbow hurts. Ouch! Have no idea what I did.
  4. Impatient. Still have two weeks before I can move into my apartment.
  5. Just annoyed at how much it cost me to get my allergy meds and inhalers today. blah.
  6. On the one hand I still didn't feel very well today but on the other hand I feel a lot better than I have for a week.
  7. Waiting for Glee to come on. But I'm thinking I might have to skip it and go to bed early tonight. I'm very tired.
  8. Had to go to urgent care today so I'm not in the best of moods but feeling much better than I was earlier.
  9. I'll have to pick it up from the library then. I got a little bored with the second one but do want to find out what happens.

    Well I'm off to bed. Have a good one.

  10. Oh good! I'm glad you liked them!

    The third one was a little bit harder for me to get into. it was good just very long.

    I know she is working on a fourth book as well.

    Have you and your son read the third Eragon book yet? Is it worth the read?

  11. Watching the trailer for the new Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I the only one really excited to see this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeWsZ2b_pK4
  12. I'm glad to hear that they got home okay! You know parents, they say goodbye like eight times before they actually leave.
  13. I hope they're ok. They probably just lost track of time.
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