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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Getting ready to warm up dinner. Don't know what else after that.
  2. Anyone else on here doing NaNoWriMo? For those of you who don't know what it is: NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. http://www.nanowrimo.org Writer's from all over the world take the month of November and try to write a 50,000 word novel. It's pretty insane (in a good way)
  3. I made something in my crockpot for the first time. It turned out really well!
  4. Yes! It was one of the first things I moved in! Now to move the rest of my junk in. I have too much stuff.
  5. Getting ready to clean and start moving stuff into the new apartment. Is it too much to hope that I'll have it all in today?
  6. happy, overwhelmed . . . but mostly happy.
  7. I got the keys to my new apartment today!
  8. That this was the first weekend this month that I didn't feel ill. That and I just realized I only have three more days until I can move into my new apartment!
  9. Waiting for someone to bring home lunch. Hurry up!
  10. Downloaded it from iTunes this morning. Almost made myself late for work. I've been listening to it every chance I get.
  11. Gonna finish getting ready for work tomorrow then bed. Very dull stuff really.
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