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Everything posted by Nix--cis-f.

  1. I see you eyeing me I want ya Why don't ya Come to me I can be What you need,oh baby... An old one,but still great
  2. Oh,lucky you!I wish I had much more spare time :sad: my school started on 1st of September and I've already had two tests :thumbdown: this is my last year in high school,so I must think about where to go to university-my parents want me to go to Vienna,and I wanna go there also,because it's really a nice town,it's so sweet and warm and it reminds me of home,because there are lots of Serbian people living there(we always get 12 points from Austria on Eurovision contest,lol :aah: ).Studying there is really cheap and it's a great opportunity to improve my German.Everything's on my side,just...it's not easy to leave everything behind and go somewhere new,without family,friends and knowing anyone :sad: that's the only thing that makes me sad these days,otherwise I'm really ok.


  3. Wow,that's so cool of him :wub2: if I were a celebrity,I'd also make lots of parties for fans :aah: what does he talk about when he's with you anywayz?He's not shy,I guess?

    Well,it won't be near my hood surely,but it'll be in my town and he will make some meetings with fans,as he did already,so I guess I'll have a chance at least to take a pic with him! :wub2:

  4. Mach wie du meinst, und fühl dich frei Sauftour’n, Rumhur’n, Prügelei Ey alles cool, mach wie du willst Geh lügen, betrügen, lies BILD Ey gib’n Fick, Alder! Mach Geld Klau Ideen, piss im steh’n, trag Pelz! Nenn meine Mudder eine miese Schlampe Besitze keine Energiesparlampe Oh Jonny! Aber hast du kein Gewissen Oh Jonny! Ja, dann kannst du dich verpissen! Oh Jonny! Hat dein Gandhi immer Pause Oh Jonny! Ja dann geh mal schnell nach Hause Ey geh ins Netz, saug dieses Lied Von mir aus saug alle Songs, die es gibt Ey Digger mach! Schieß los! Häng rum nachts auf’m Friedhof! Leb’ dein Leben wie eine Party Geh nich’ wählen! Trag Ed Hardy! Geh los und verkauf Crack ,Mann Quäl Tiere und schau Beckmann Oh Jonny! Aber hast du kein Gewissen Oh Jonny! Ja, dann kannst du dich verpissen! Oh Jonny! Hat dein Bono immer Pause Oh Jonny! Ja dann geh mal schnell nach Hause In deinem Karma, ja da arbeiten die fleißigsten Beamten Die sich noch mehr merken können, als 30 Elefanten! In deinem Karma, Ja….. Die sich noch Stupid,but cool tune
  5. I wanna study in Vienna and I've just found out that three of my classmates want to go studying there too! I'm so happy I'll have a company.
  6. Tired and kinda confused.Wondering about future...
  7. Hello,hun!! :huglove: sorry for being late with the answer,I was too busy these days.

    You see?I knew you'll meet him again! :wub2: I saw all the pics,they are really very well done!You've really got a talent for catching important things with camera :thumb_yello: it sounds unbelievable,people would think it's really hard to get to celebrities,but you met Mika twice and that makes me think they are not so untouchable! :thumb_yello: maybe I'll meet my favorite celebrities sometimes-I had a chance to meet Ralph Fiennes,the actor I'm hopelessly in love with,he spent a few months here because he wants to make a new film here,but I missed it :sad: nvm,he hasn't started filming yet,he'll come again and maybe I'll be able to meet him-a friend of mine met him and told me he's really nice and charming :wub2:

    Hope everything's okay with you?What's going on with your life atm,do you go to school or you're still on holidays?I hope you're doing fine :huglove:


  8. Milenica je stvarno super,nije mi nikada predavala,ali je znam sa raznih sekcija,tako da sam ja jedna od njenih omiljenih učenica :aah: ona ima babu i dedu ovde kod mene u kraju,pa smo x puta išle i vraćale se zajedno iz škole.Rekla sam joj već da imam štićenicu u tvom odeljenju-tebe,naravno :naughty: -i da ne sme ništa nažao da ti učini,tako da znaš da imaš sreće što imaš mene,jer me većina profesora stvarno gotivi-uključujući i Kuzmu(koja je moja najveća ljubav :wub2:).

    Kad smo već kod nje,kako ti se ona dopada?Znam da ti deluje strašna,pošto ste vi suviše mali za njene fore i fazone-jbt,i mi,koji smo je dobili u trećoj godini,bili smo kao pali s Marsa kad nam je ona došla,jedva smo se snašli-ali je stvarno mnogo genijalna.Je li vam predavala nešto,kako ti se čine njeni časovi?

    I da,kako ti se čini odeljenje in general? :) jesu li ok,kakav vam je taj jedini muški primerak..? :naughty:


  9. to je jedini profan istorije koji ne smara u stilu "istorija je mnooogo važna i ona se ne uči napamet,već sa razumevanjem",već je poprilično opuštena što se tiče ocenjivanja-malo dezorganizovana(tipa dva meseca predaje,pa dva meseca pita,nagomilaju se loše ocene,pa onda gomila nas mora da odgovara odjednom),ali stvarno opuštena.I komična je ovako-kladim se da si već izvalila koliko smešno priča :aah:

  10. Ahahahahhaha :aah: što,imamo i mi pravo njih da iskorišćavamo,što moraju samo oni nas :naughty:

    A Steeeela :wub2: ja sam jedna od retkih koja je voli lol :aah: anw,Stela je stvarno super ako joj se ne zameriš,jer ako te zapamti po nečemu zlom,ima da te smara i muči sve dok baš bukvalno ne crkneš.Jedan je od onih profesora koji samo melju,melju i melju,njena predavanja su ti u stilu informacija-informacija-informacija tako da se većina ljudi smori i uopšte ne piše.Savetovala bih ti da savladaš smor i da pišeš,jer je prosto lakše učiti iz njenih beležaka nego iz knjige.Dobra stvar je da nema testova,već samo odgovaranja,a to ti je ultra lako-ako provali da melješ i da si naučila,isključi se i uopšte te ni ne sluša :aah:

  11. While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow Till the mountains crumble into the plain Oh yes we'll keep on tryin' Tread that fine line Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah Just passing our time While we live according to race, colour or creed While we rule by blind madness and pure greed Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion Through the eons, and on and on Oh yes we'll keep on tryin' We'll tread that fine line Oh we'll keep on tryin' Till the end of time Till the end of time Through the sorrow all through our splendour Don't take offence at my innuendo You can be anything you want to be Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be Be free with your tempo, be free be free Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask Oh yes we'll keep on trying Hey tread that fine line Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah And whatever will be - will be We'll just keep on trying We'll just keep on trying Till the end of time Till the end of time Till the end of time
  12. Majku mu jebem,kol'ki postovi :naughty: anw,nisam znala da su se Katy i Mika zabavljali!To je tako odd,mada mi nekako i idu jedno uz drugo.Lady Gaga i Mika mi,recimo,ne idu.No dobro.Ja i nisam znala toliko o njegovom privatnom životu,tako da sam mislila da je gej.To što ti kažeš,ko zna šta on radi u privatnom životu-možda je sodomista ili tako nešto :naughty:

    AHahahha,daaaaa,Rale sa svojim sex-izjavama :aah: kako mi nedostaje :wub2: baš sam mu pre neki dan rekla na hodniku da sigurno žali za mnom,jer sam mu ja bila najbolja učenica(like nisam ni dolazila na časove,lol),a on je potvrdio :aah:

    Dobili ste skoro sve moje omiljene profesore-Kuzmu,Stelu,Raleta,Milenu... :wub2: sjajno,zaista.Biće tebi zanimljivo,ne sumnjaj u to :D


  13. Naaaah,you should be Diogen,he lived in a barrel,and THAT would be interesting to see :naughty:

    Oh,school's fine,although I have some tests already this week,and I'm so lazy to get down to studying :sad: otherwise it's kinda cool,this is my last year in high school so everybody's really relaxed.

    You're still on your holiday,I guess?

  14. I forgot who I'd told before Ludwig?
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