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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. They said that they will let out 50% of the flights tomorrow...so...shall I hope for a miracle?
  2. I guess for you it should be easier as Belgium isn't as far away from France as Romania is...but even so, I suppose you're facing the "emergency" prices. I hope you'll make it though!
  3. There's no easy way to put this, but I don't think I'm coming to the gig(s) anymore. One week is nothing for the anger of this volcano. I'm afraid this is not a thing that can change within days, so I'm kissing goodbye all my hopes and dreams that were suuposed to happen in a week. It's not only about the weak posibilities of getting there, but there are also other things on risk: our lives, money, job, health. That's too much I'm afraid. I'm usually the most positive and optimistic person, but I just can't keep up with this. I don't understand why it has to be this way, but it just is. I'm so sad because I was so happy about returning to Paris and now it won't happen. It really doesn't make me feel any better that I'm not the only one in this situation...for the moment I will have to get used to the idea that my dreams are spread among the mineral and dust particles across the Europe sky. In tears, Bianca
  4. By the looks of what they say today on CNN and AshAlerts...things look better. The have done those test flights and they're positive. No damage to the aircraft. The annoying thing is that I don't know at the moment if I'm coming or not and there's this doubtful atmosphere that stops me from making any plans.
  5. I'm trying Sara! I am a bit more positive and hope they will find a way to fly until next week. Now the otehr concern is that the volcano won't spew any more ash WHILE I"M in PARIS!
  6. Don't worry about it! Thank you very much! :huglove:

  7. Yeah I follow "AshAlerts" on Twitter and they have just posted a map of europe and it seems like the Central Europe is clear at the moment. I'm trying my best to think that it'll be ok.
  8. Hello Deb!


    Can you please modify the date of the gig from Romania. The title says it takes place on the 14th of July, and it will actually happen on the 24th.


    Pretty please? :pinkbow:


    Thank you!




  9. I'm leaving on the 25th, next Sunday. I know it's still a long time to go, but if the volcano won't stop spewing I don't know. I was supposed to look for things to see in Paris today, but instead I stayed glued to CNN I have a weird feeling. It's too far away, lilibet, by train. I mean it'd have to be like this: my city-Bucharest, Bucharest-Budapest/Vienna and from there to Paris. It takes 3 days!! let's not even mention the prices. So the plan B is getting used to the idea that I'll stay at home and wait for the reports and pics.
  10. It WON'T RAIN! stop worrying about that...there are even chances that the sun will shine during the night aswell.
  11. Why is it impossible to book a hotel in July NOW? I'm afraid I don't know much about this because I have never tried to book a hotel in Mamaia for the summer. There are NO busses leaving after midnight and even if there were I imagine it can be quite dangerous. You can try and look for a hotel in Mamaia but they're usually quite expensive as far as I know. There is also an alternative and try to find a hotel in Constanta and you can take a taxi after the gig (you could imagine the price for the taxi is the price of the "gig ticket" ). There is ONE ibis hotel in the center of the city.
  12. Cum ajungi in Mamaia! Daca vii din Bucuresti iti recomand sa iei autocarul si NU trenul, pentru ca merge mai repede (3 ore) si e mai ieftin. (50 RON) Autogara e in zona Garii de Nord din Bucuresti. Autocarul va merge pe autostrada soarelui si va face o oprire o data ce a iesit de pe autostrada. Autocarul ajunge in Constanta la gara (avem una singura) si totul devine mai usor aici. Prima data vei fi atacat de taximetristi care se vor oferi sa te duca cu masina dar nu trebuie sa-i asculti! Ca sa ajungi in Mamaia DIN Constanta poti lua: - mini-autobuzele care merg in Mamaia (302,301,303) si de obicei sunt destul de ieftine (1sau2 sau 3 RON...nu mai stiu sigur) SAAAu (preferatul meu) - double decker-ul care are program special de vara si ajunge la ore fixe in gara. Ajunge pana in capatul celalalt al statiunii. Acesta este un pic mai scump totusi: 5 RON pentru un bilet dus-intors si 2.5 RON pentru dus. SA NU LUATI: - autobuzele obisnuite pe care scrie Mamaia (43,40) pentru ca aceste te vor duce doar pana la intrarea in statiune iar de acolo ca sa ajungi la hotelul tau s-ar putea sa fie o povara pentru ca e destul de cald in iulie temperaturile ajungand pana la 40 de grade. - taxi. S-ar putea sa te coste pana la 20RON in functie de locatia hotelului tau. Preturile sunt orientative si le citez din amintire de anul trecut.
  13. Ok so I suppose this is the time for number 2. Getting to Mamaia! If you come from Bucharest, I'd reccomend you should take the bus and NOT the train as it arrives in 3 hours and it's cheap. (50RON) The station for the bus is around Gara de Nord from Bucharest. The bus will "fly" on the high-way and will stop once when it gets out of the high-way. The bus arrives in Constanta at the main city station and everything is quite easy there. First there will be a lot of taxi drivers "attacking" you but thou should not listen to them! To arrive in Mamaia from Constanta you can either take: -the mini buses that go in Mamaia (302,303,301) and they're quite cheap (1 RON or 2... ) OR (my fav one ) -the double decker bus that arrives at the station on an hourly basis and it's really fun. It goes all the way to the other end of Mamaia. This one is a little more expensive though: 5 RON for a round trip (and 2.5 for one way) DO NOT TAKE: - the regular bus that has written on it Mamaia (43,40) because they will get you only to the entrance of the resort and to get to your hotel would be a bit of a burden as it'll be July...so there will be temperatures as high as 40 degrees. -taxi. It might cost you up to 20 RON depending on the location of your hotel. I'll post the romanian version in the next post.
  14. I think all the people in Mamaia made 100 000... Cut copy are the opening act! People seem quite crazy about them
  15. Yeah...but it's not very "vulcanic" for me thinking of all the things I may lose. I'm really scared at the moment. I'm trying my best to stay positive!
  16. Aww thank you Christine! that's very nice of you... But I have to admit...I wouldn't trade my lovely Mika-gig related vacations to this one. NEVER! There's a certain atmosphere about a vacation when it has a gig as target and main reason...it is a lot more special and I'll really miss that!
  17. Ok then I'll add you to the Artists group (I think I already did that anyway... :naughty: ).


    You're welcome! :pinkbow: and I'm looking forward to working with you!

  18. It's not that high! I'll take a walk around there someday and see what it looks like. Don't get your hopes up! That's all I'm saying.
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