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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. ok ok I give up! I will participate..BUT if I win...remember that you were the ones who pushed me to do it.
  2. Oh c'mooon! you're not a real Scorpio if you don't do it! if I were you, I'd do it. I bet he won't even believe you...
  3. Paricipated in the Berlin one and kept me and mum with our hearts in our throats because you know...it's not easy to get free days from work and school 4 days before leaving. Never till this day have we found out who won that. I gave up participating in these kind of competitions...I never win. Good luck! You never know what luck holds for you!
  4. it just finished downloading! BTW, Carla, I think you should tell Mika it's you. I bet he;ll laugh or do something cute...
  5. Perhaps she participated in one of those contests like KLM or others (I think there were some for the Netherlands..)
  6. I didn't know that you were cap-ing caps from that video...besides I'm still downloadin this thing...since an hour ago!
  7. M&G passes? Neah...we just wait for him. That's exactly what I wanted to say. You know I really appreciate how all of you guys got the guts to ask him for a hug/his or even a handshake. I will NEVER forget the very first time I met him (last year in Paris) I was very keen on seeing how does he look you in the eye, because I had heard lots of stories about that and when he did I had a bit of a shock (the shock I didn't experience this year... ) because I saw in his look something I had never seen before: the look of a genius-mad man. and no one had ever looked at me that way... it was a genuinely kind look ...and he mumbled a "thank you" at me. What I also noticed...was how fragile he looks. I know it sounds ridiculous, but even though I have seen so many pics of him, that feeling I got when he was in front of me, was of course beyond any pictures ever seen before...because he looks far more better than in the pics. And the last thing on my mind would be to touch him...I don't know why, but it just seems to be a forbidden thing for me, because I'm afraid he might break or something. Nu picture EVER captured that moment, the way he looks at you. It is so special and when he thanks you for whatever he could thank you it is SO sincere, so honest. *I have a feeling like I wanted to say something else but I forgot. ** I shook Jimmy's hand tho...
  8. Hey.


    Yes, there is the thread about it...we only want the RSVP (sorry we're a bit overwhelmed...can't blame us :freak::lol3: ). the date of the gig is the 24th of July, 2010.


    Here are some pics of the location if you need them:



    Also here's the confirmation of the gig on our most important and influent news source, mediafax.ro: http://www.mediafax.ro/life-inedit/mika-va-concerta-la-mamaia-pe-24-iulie-5838653


    Thanks a lot!


  9. awesome! That was perhaps the NICEST thing to do for a fan. EVER! No other pop star does that.
  10. right...eu ies...o sa vin mai tarziu sa rezolv cu RSVP-ul. Iam zis lui FD dar a iesit... :huh: poate intra Deb sau altcineva...




    Take care!

  11. tztztztz ce urat. :shun::lol3:


    si totusi...vreau RSVP. :aah:

  12. O sati placa! :wink2: e misto pe aici vara...multi tarani cei drept...dar daca vrei sa stii cum e in Mamaia vara, fa o plimbare pe Dorobanti! :lol3:

  13. Hunny ai chef sa te prajesti de tot? O sa faci o insolatie... :lmfao:


    Da nush inca...mai vad...inca nu mam gandit. :dunno: K acolo la H20e practic la capatul mamaiei dinspre navodari si e cam izolata plaja de civilizatie... :huh:

  14. Absolut facem bannere mari k suntem acolo MFCul cu el. Cred k trebuie sa fie destul de scary sa mergi intro tara necunoscuta.


    Nu stiu...:naughty: eu vroiam sa ma duc daca era...dar nush daca o sa faca cu BGs si LGs aici la noi. :huh: oricum facem semne si pt alea mari pe care scriem: "We want to be LGs and BGs!! Volunteers!" si stam de dimineata acolo :lol3: cam asta e planul meu... :dunno:

  15. auzi era mai devreme online o fata "alina" kre cred k e din romania si ea si parea sa astepte activarea contului. :teehee: Nu sunt stalkerish...just saying.

  16. EDIT: iam scris lui Freddie.

  17. Hey Freddie!


    look, you must have heard about the "BIG" news regarding Mika coming in Romania. It is not confirmed by MS yet. Do we have to wait for their confirmation to add the event to the calendar and get the RSVP kind of thread? :huh::pinkbow:


    The event is all over the Romanian press here. :biggrin2:





  18. Da stiu...


    Am incercat sa adaug ala acolo dar numi iese. :aah: imi da eroare. Mai bine vbim cu un mod.

  19. UNDE??? :shocked:


    doamne eu chiar ma gandeam...daca so trezi vreun idiot pe acolo sa strige ceva aiurea deci cred k innebunesc! :tears: sincer nu prea vreau sa vina aici... :aah:

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