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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. pai tocmai... :huh:


    stiu eu sa adaug :biggrin2:


    Pot? daca e o sal scoata ei de acolo. :dunno:

  2. vanessa, n-ar trebui sa adaugam si noi pe calendarul ala gig-ul nostru? :huh: pt k daca asteapta cineva sa confirme MS...nu cred k o sa se intample prea curand...:teehee:

  3. You know, he really is one of the most special guys out there and meeting him, is a real priviledge and I'm really grateful to be his fan and have this priviledge. It seems to be a tradition for him to meet us already and to us it feels normal, but when you're telling other people who don't know that much about him, that you went to the M&G after the gig and met him, they either think you must be dellusional or you're showing off. Also, you know...for me, Mika as an artist is a character. Meeting him did not make me feel as if I met the "actor" who plays this character (and go: "OMFG he's a human...he walks...he talks...because that's pretty obvious -of course there is a slight shock when seeing him for the first time and think: oh yeah, he's real...but that shock is rapidly replaced by the joy of watching him perform). It actually made me feel as if I met the character himself and I became part of his fairytale/world aswell...I became a character myself. This is the priviledge Mika gives us...
  4. OMG... Those are some nice stories! And honestly it would make me laugh if he spelled my name wrongly! that's just..so..Mika.
  5. Vanessa, uite avem o membra noua din Romania, Cristinica si i-am spus eu pe "Wall" niste lucruri. Sper ca nu te deranjeaza. I-am spus sa deschida acolo un thread la "hello's". :huh::teehee:


    si iam spus sa te contacteze pe tine in caz de ceva, pt k u are world rep. :biggrin2:

  6. Salut, Cristinica! :bye: Bine ai venit pe MFC!


    Dupa cum observi suntem destul de bucurosi de vestea cea mare :naughty: .

    Uite, ce ar fi sa ne spui mai multe despre tine la "Hellos&Goodbyes" ca sa te cunoasca membrii mai bine! :biggrin2: E traditie. Toata lumea trebuie sa o faca! :wink2:



    Daca ai intrebari, contacteaz-o pe Vanessa care este "world representative for Romania" si ea te va putea ajuta cu placere! :pinkbow:




  7. Ok my turn my turn!!! I seem to have an abnormal behaviour when I'm around him...not because I get all but because I'm just TOO normal. You know when I'm at home and I find out new things about him and such, I start to cry, to shake, to scream and therefore you could tell that I'm the kind that faints when she's close to Mika. But I'm nothing like that. I fell just OK. it feels just normal...as if I'm doing it everyday. I almost feel guilty for feeling so normal. I should at least get some goosebumps or something...but nope...not me. So both of the times I've met him so far...I have...TALKED. Like an idiot. I seem to get all chatty and have nothing to say basically. Luckily the second time I met him...he talked aswell. (see my siggie) and it was a bit strange. Because it finally felt weird to me to have him talking so much (I mean it really felt much at the moment) and also nice of him to explain me how he lost his medal.
  8. Oh doamne! Hai k ies. Noapte buna fetele!
  9. I remember from that PDP doc or something that it was 43 and a half. but I honestly think it's more than that. I was trying to show off as a fan and I told them I know everything about him and they asked me what's the thing I know and they sure don't and I told them I know his shoe number. wasn't such a good idea.
  10. Nu tiam zis k am facut inot de performanta?
  11. Fetele, eu ma duc ...mai vbim si o sa incerc sa va prezint eu pe scurt zilele astea ce se poate face prin Constanta in functie de cat stati.
  12. Eu zic sati protejezi parul cu ceva...mai rau...tigari.
  13. La Duffy au fost. La Akon...probabil erau in soc romanii si nau stiut ce sa faca mai intai. Si in plus concertele astea a lu Orange de obicei le mai pun si pe spatele revistelor. Asa k keep an eye out.
  14. Let's not mention that it'll be the fifth gig...for the other four I had to travel abroad. So why should they just come down to the gig. I'm just gonna put up a sign: "If you can't answer 5 essential questions about Mika, you access at the gig is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!" now what could those questions be?
  15. Da am pierdut primele 4 melodii...daca a fost acolo baiatu...naspa... Ok. eu acum astept sa vad afise cu poza aia din logo-ul MFC pe toate blocurile de pe aici si toti cretinii sa mi spuna: "Bianca, vine (gay-ul) ala de Mika la noi, ai auzit? " Eu: nu..nam auzit. Eram ocupata cu celelalte 3 giguri de anul asta. Abia astept.
  16. pai stiu ...macar asa va tine minte Romania. EDIT: e Gave it all away la VH1.
  17. I'd say: il bagam in apa (mare). Noaptea.
  18. Deci inca mai avem thread-ul asta... Deci fetelor, vine baiatul la noi. Ce facem?
  19. you know you're a mika fan when you find out that he's coming to your hometown after all, and the gig will be free and you feel really bad thinking that all those morons (classmates) will come for free and share the same amazing experience of seeing Mika live with you. But of course, they don't know half of the things you know about him, and they don't even feel or think about him the way you do, but I still don't want them to experience this.
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