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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. oh ok...I understand. Thanks Jaz. legs legs legs...first leg...second leg...all in all, this tour has legs like twigs. :roftl: Loved that!!!
  2. That would be just awesome. And yes...I think it kinda makes sense that the next leg of the tour is the one coming up after this free weeks. Bercy IS big. I don't know about Italy ...but Bercy really is and also David told me after the Vienna gig, when I told him that I;m coming to Paris aswell, he replied: "Oh the big one!" I didn't quite understand what he meant...but now I finally do. so the chances are getting greater and greater for an Imaginarium DVD! with or without KA incorporated (preferably with. ) We'll see.
  3. Could someone please explain that? Which is that "next leg of the tour"? Could it possibly be BErcy? or something it hasn't been announced yet?
  4. Thank you! and I love yours too! We have such nice memories from VIenna! Yeah you know...the next day, I could still find some on the street on the way back to Gasometer and it was so lovely and also I had lots of small bits of those in my hair.
  5. That's a pity and we should do something about that I think! Gigs are our reason to be happy and meet each other and meet Mika. So there's no reason why we should be sad or somehow else about it. As for Laurel! I for the one am not mad or angry at her whatsoever.! I think it was rightful of her to express her opinion and stand by it. We're a public forum. That's why we're here! That's why we're MFCrs! Because we always have something to say.! In the end, we all love Mika just as much!
  6. Thank you, Tiibet! Your words mean a lot to me. I actually got quite bored reading all these pages, because indeed noone seemed to listen unfortunately. Yes we have had fun naturally and we were really nice! I'm really proud of the Vienna audience and even prouder that I was part of it! Yes it was, and I think that Mika noticed, because I looked at my side and you were all doing that and I was really happy! "Love love me! Love love me!!" Ok...I'm going to get something to eat. Had a long and boring last day before holidays at school!
  7. What a beautiful picture, Zsina!!! In this way I will never forget that little surprise of my luck, that me and Mika wore the (approximately) same shirt! :roftl: Next time I will not do that again. I'll ask everyone who they are! First: What a nice report, Kriszti! and oh that's so lovely! I have some of those too and I was really wodnering what on Earth I could do with them now. The ones from Paris last year, I have stuck on my signed poster, but now I got my CD (ultra)signed and I don;t have anywhere to stick them...Maybe I'll do something cute around my room with them. I was really lovely to meet you too, Sabine! and I'm glad we share the memory of such an awesome gig!
  8. Oh my. Ok the drama queen is here now. First: Thank you Jazzy and mum for your warnings. Second: I would really like to explain what I meant, though Suzie did it pretty well in her previous post. It was Mika's FIRST gig in VIenna. The front row was mostly MFC. The stage was like 2 meters away from us (therefore Mika was 2meters away from us) so, it was normal to try and put on our best behaviour and don't do anything unappropriate (as in Stockholm) and make a good impression to the people on stage. Happilly (in a really strage way) our intentions seemed to have been heard/felt by the whole audiece and the gig turned out to be one of the best so far and EVERBODY noticed that including Mika, his band and of course the audience. Suzie only suggested that we should act in that way. Now, continuing this and reffering to a further comment: I feel a bit offensed, my dear! I'm not a brainless sheep. Trust me, if I wanted to really shout something whatsoever, I would've done it in spite of whatever someone told me not to do. But it has been my first front row gig and you know, seeing Mika so close was a bit overwhelming itself. I didn't want to make a fool of myself because I was quite tall between Nezza and Christine (the girl from Austria) so therefore quite visible and if I were to act weirdly he would've sure noticed. and that wasn't preferably! But it really wasn't the moment to do strange things. All I wanted was to enjoy the show and have fun. Besides, I hate it when people tell me what to do when I'm free to do what I want and I usually don't follow their suggestions. Mum can confirm that! but THIS WASN'T THE CASE!!! Suzie only suggested something reasonable which I found REALLY NICE OF HER! It was indeed. We rocked and everybody knows it!! I was really happy to finally meet you in Vienna!! I didn't find it funny exactly. Yeah I really had fun! Like I never did before. If I'd see myself in a video or something I wouldn't even recognize myself. I really liked your suggestion Suzie because I really felt like I was belonging to this club that must put on their best behaviour and proove everyone that we're the nice fans Mika deserves. The bolded part: when I went last year in Paris I thought: "Oh I really want to shout something strange that can be heard on a video later and I'll be able to recognize my voice or something " and I remember I wanted to shout the lyric from GK ( "Walk out the door!" - is my fav to sing out loud) just like that sometimes between the songs. When I was in the venue during the concert I realised it wasn't such a good idea. So I took a deep breath and shouted: LOVE YOU MIKAAAAA! and right after that he started singing LT which was the song that hooked me in the first place to Mika. I thought it was cool but I'd never do it again. So wheter you wouldn't have told me that I still wouldn't have done it. I'm a good girl. Wouldn't want to make a fool of myself in the front row. ALL IN ALL: The gig was MEGA awesome! We had a great time! I had a great time! Mika had a great(er) time! The band rocked! We're all happy! All clear now?
  9. Great! Looking forward to seeing you there then!
  10. Oh Yes! It IS you! Great. I love that photo. Can't believe I took it. Looks quite good eh? Yeah! I will never forget the pistacchio chocolate! was really good! Yeah, you were very chatty and I was trying desperately to match you with someone on MFC but I couldn't. I could see you were all Golden and stuff and didn't want to look like an idiot asking you who you were. FOr some reason I thought I should've known you. Sorry. Wasted my time trying to figure out such a weird thing.
  11. yeah that's wrong! Speaking of Blue eyes...you had told me that I might enjoy it very much (taking into consideration my love/passion for his legs ) and I thought that that's when he goes on the piano and lays back and starts playing with his legs up and down and I kept waiting for that moment and totally missed the hips shaking part.
  12. It was really lovely meeting you too, Tiibet. Mostly because I knew you from the forum, but I had never seen a pic of you or anything. well, we're Mika fans...we're automatically nice and friendly.
  13. I have been actually looking for Andy...


    Hmmmm perhaps I could apply for his job when I;m going to the UNI in London :fisch::blink::biggrin2::das: I'll be supposed to work after the first 3 months.


    Hmmm...what a great idea Greta!!! :biggrin2:

  14. Thank you, dear! :blush-anim-cl:


    ahem... in my opinion Mika is in need of another WAG -like video...ahem :mf_rosetinted::lmfao:


    another MFC documentary? is there a first one? :dunno:

  15. Really? I'm glad I did. You know Suzie told us all before the gig (also) to restrain ourselves from shouting fangurly stuff like: "Mika, I love you! Take your clothes off!" things like that...and I think it was ok... I did it...also because I have done that last year in Paris when I shouted like crazy: "Love you Mikaaaa" and right after that he started: "doom ta da di da di doom"
  16. as for the picture comment...


    Yes I did and i sent it to a local festival for teenagers.


    I want to become a filmmaker. :blush-anim-cl:

  17. I'm good. I'm really happy with my experience. Can't get over it yet. :aah:


    yeah...me too! and can't wait to see the gig again! :wub2:

  18. Thanks! If it wasn't for the pic, I would've forgotten it too! how careless are we? Oh I love those pics. Thanks Vanessa! Oh...welll... first I started calling hima nd david and they were like: "where where?" I waved and said: "Over here!!!" they came, I instantly (donno why) reached out and shook hands with him and he was waiting for me to say my name and I went: "Oh I'm Bianca" Jimmy: "NIce to meet you!" me: "You were great Jimmy! Can I have a pic with you please?" Jimmy: "Yeah, sure, no problem!" took picture. Mum: "what a lovely picture!" Jimmy: "let'me see! let'me see!" grabs Mum's camera and goes: Me: "can I have your signature too, please?" Jimmy: "yeah sure! :biggrin2:" Me: "you know I really love your bread thingies you make on twitter" Jimmy: " I'm odd!" Me: "Odd is good. By the way: Tegan from Australia says hi! " Jimmy: "Oh say hi to her as well!" Me: "see you in Paris, Jimmy!" Jimmy: "see ya, nice to meet you!" that's pretty much how it all went.
  19. Yes I saw it! :lol3:


    Weren't we just so awesome? :aah:


    OH MY! Just seen you pic with Mika! :wub2: So cute! :fangurl:


    How are you, Greta? :biggrin2:

  20. Me and Cherisse Me and Nezza and Allegra behind. The cutest gang after just meeting the big Moosie! My lovely autograph! he drew me the heart with wings! LOVE IT!!! That's it from me. PS: the whole album: http://img213.imageshack.us/g/43842567.jpg/
  21. I was so happy for you! and I was happy that I recognized you aswell! Don't mention it! I love it too!!! It's so queue-ish. Inventing words again.
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