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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. TEGAN! :aah: I met Jimmy last night in Vienna and told him you said hi...you didn't exactly, but I couldn't help it! :teehee: He laughed and said "hi back" HE IS THE MOST AWESOME DUDE EVER!!!! :aah::biggrin2:

  2. Just post the video. It was the highlight of the evening. I can't believe it! Indeed. It was awesome! It was REALLY nice to meet you too, suzy! Oh God, I can't believe it I'm back home. I just arrived and I am sooo happy I have had the time of my life and if Iwere to ask for the perfect gig, it wouldn't have been so perfect! I'm preparing something beyond a simple report and will post it tomorrow! Also, guys, I found some pics of me on this website, but I can't open the photo Can someone help me? there's one on page 8, the third one on the right from up to down and also avery coool one on page 4, same position. And also, if someone can open more of the pics with Mika because they;re really good and I'd like to have some more of them. Thanks in advance!
  3. I'm not sure TBH but one I'm sure about: DON"T worry and everything will work out just fine! Ok...I should really start packing, I'm leaving tomorrow early in the morning and I'm quite knackered (had a veeeeery long day at school) and I need some rest. So, I suppose this is my last post in this thread, the next one will be my report. It has been such a great pleasure to talk to you here, guys over the past 5 months which have been some of the awesomest ones ever, waiting eagerly for the Monday gig. I have finally entered my "really excited" phase! (it was about time aswell) SO, have a safe trip everyone and I'll see you all on Monday in the front row. Bianca xx
  4. Is he? I mean...I WILL never EVER forget the first time I saw him on tv, I thought he is a very weird guy who looked kindof old. And he does, when he puts his hair off his face. It really does make him look older...not very flattering...but he's still our Moosie! I'm Ok with Mika turning 30 (tho I really don't think we should discuss this...he's just 26, remember? ) ...I'm close to my early 20's too...so it's not that big deal. Someone has a very cool siggie around here (unfortunately can't remember who): "Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional." The thing is that Mika is exposed to a very flawed bussiness, and risks losing that huge inocent part of him on the way, but having his family (and I like to think...us too) with him, will help him a lot to preserve his inner 23 year-old Mika we've all fell in love with.
  5. Whoa. I haven't really counted the hours. Yeah, I guess that's a little too much. But I'll see about that...depends on many things: weather, how much I can sleep the night before, the way I feel stuff like that. Things don't always go according to the plan. But I didn't say I'll go there at 9...I was thinkin more about a 10-ish... (I know ...not a difference). But anyway...we'll see.
  6. I was thinking of going that early actually. There isn't much I can do you know. And I want to be at the front, tho I feel like I'm gonna be sweared by the poor people behind me. I'm still not excited. Have told my classmates about it today and still nothing. Here's very sunny too. Just took out my dusty sunglasses today! Yes I heard about it and I totally hate it as I always get so confused about it! I could never understand, when shall I fix the clock and how and why. I'm quite dumb, I know. Yeah, sat to sun. That's actually why I want to queue so early. I really enjoyed queueing last year in Paris even for 3 hours. BUt during those 3 hours I have had so much fun and met so many wonderful MFCrs (and not only) that I wanted it to last longer. And now it could be even more amazing, as we've been here for 5 months and kept planning this (sortof) together. Plus, it's a reallly great feeling to meet those people behind the cool siggies and avvies. Because you know, to me, all the MFCrs are like these fantastic characters and it is really cool to discover that they are some of the most fantastic real people out there, who I can talk to and don;t feel judged.
  7. Oh good. So I shouldn't trouble taking a winter coat with me. Damn, I really don't know what kind of clothes I should take with me. and those shops sound very good. Mum told me, but I didn't believe her. Thanks, Faballa! great!
  8. As promised, I have made the flag that will get me noticed as MFCr. And here it is for you to recognise it/me easier. The front The back I think the message is quite clear, anyway. Will update the first post aswell!
  9. Honestly? 1. KA kinda feels like a song that's been written in 3 days...I mean it IS very good, amazing, but it's pure simple pop. so I believe him. 2. oh...3 days??? isn't that too much? he wrote Big girl in 15 minutes in the middle of the night!
  10. I'm still in my "denial" phase. I feel like I should do something at all about this trip, but it STILL feels months away, even though the weather is warmer. And I STILL feel like there's plenty of time to pack and think of what to take with me... (I'm leaving on Sat) Speaking of weather, Faballa, how warm is it over there?
  11. Oh my. So this year, Mika's the Superman or something? How the heck can he go to premieres and stuff and then hit the stage in another country like that? anyway: I love the hair, It looks better than the flat straight look (I really missed a shocking straight-hair appearance) and I ADORE that scarf...but I'd rather have it for myself.
  12. That IS very well said! Mama Mod saves the day!
  13. Calm down, Caz! It's ok. Mika would be grateful to you, I'm sure!
  14. What's going on in here?!? Calm down people. I think we've overdone our role as fans. So good, I didn't even know what to tweet and I haven't tweeted at all. I'm no good with this kind of promoting. I'd rather buy his music and get him up in the charts.
  15. No, I mean this one. With Hitgirl talking about herself.
  16. I could swear Kick ass was a lot different the last time I heard it!
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