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About proud2Bme

  • Birthday 01/02/1993


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    Mika Groupie
  1. I want his underpants that he wore in his we are golden video!!!
  2. where did you find that video of mika shirtless with moving animations on his body???????
  3. Thank You for closing My thead...totally forgot.

  4. Mika was interviewed for a Dutch Mag. This is a sneak peek... On his sexuality and labels: "As far as discussing sexuality and gender: listen to my songs. It's everywhere. Sexuality has kind of themed this record, if you have to think about it that way. That's part of growing up. I mean, I've never ever labeled myself. But having said that; Ive never limited my life, I've never limited who I sleep with…So, I don't know. Call me whatever you want. Call me bisexual, if you need a term for me…Apply that to me, if that's what you want. That's as close as I'll get to any label". On being a role model for gay youth: "Well, look at the 14-year-old kids that are making their own videos to my song, the 12- and 13-year-old guys dancing around in their room. There are ways of being a role model without having to always establish yourself with a label…having a role model who makes you feel like it's all right to do whatever you want, without the pressure of a label, I think that's a good thing as well". On being sexually "free:" "Let's say if you're a 16-year-old guy, and you're not sure about your sexuality, you should be as free as you want. You shouldn't have to say I'm gonna label myself in order to figure out what is going to make me happy in life. That's the key to it. You don't have to pigeonhole yourself all the time. You shouldn't stick yourself into any kind of constraints or limitations at all" .
  5. That was my first Mika concert and one I definitly will never forget!!! Didn't got to stay for an autograph but still had a GREAT time!!!!!!
  6. My Mom: loves his music and videos and thinks he's cute.
  7. yay sounds awsome!!! I'm in.:thumb_yello: if your doing real names, then mine is Brittany Cray
  8. Hello- There is a plan that before the Philly show a few of us are going to video MFC'ers running the MFC flaf up the steps to the Philadelphia Art Museum (where Rocky ran) BUT do it in the best Mikaesque way as possible.

    WE'd love to have you and your ideas in making this happen.

    Please PM me if you come and or your ideas.

    Thank you,


    Here is the link to how this idea got started


  9. HOPEFULY you found it!!! Let me KNOW!

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