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Everything posted by bitter.icarus

  1. How do I feel? Quite well. Which is always saying a lot, isn't it?
  2. Me too, and how the "er" sounds gets lost. But I hate the way the pronounce "a"s at the end of words. Horrible. Linder's got fabulous trousers on today.
  3. That's exactly what I was thinking. Besides, it's not like that stuff is permanent. Although maybe I should wait til after my uncle's wedding. Indian people are known for being dramatic, and I've already shamed the family by wearing odd clothing and having short hair. Not to mention the whole does-speak-Punjabi factor.
  4. Apparently, my film journal was a highlight from the rest of the classes in Film Studies.
  5. Spaghetti with sauce? And then Nutella? I feel vulnerable, but strong. And odd combination.
  6. Angry. I SO do not want to go to school tomorrow, but it's still better than staying here and home with my stupid family.
  7. I do too. Oh, you make me laugh. Today, I decided I wanted to dip dye my hair magenta. But when I mentioned it to my mom, she totally shot me down and went off on a long, angry schpeel. Apparently, she's the reason I can even cut my hair in the first place since my dad's family is "super religious". Ugh.
  8. Does that make it crap all around? I feel like that sounds more like a injection than a shipping company.
  9. That means I'll have to take a trip downtown soon.
  10. A bit annoyed. My sister's being a child again. At least it's Friday!
  11. Me neither. Disgusting. That second one's hilarious. Although I agree with the first one. Did you point out the other seats?
  12. Ugh. 600 word essay to write on the Winnipeg General Strike.
  13. Hoo man. Just had a little tear fest after watching my favourite scene from V for Vendetta. I love that movie.
  14. Swamped. Homework, homework. I've got 5 film journals to do.
  15. Talking with my teacher, Tim. He is the fountain of wisdom.
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