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Everything posted by bitter.icarus

  1. What? Like "ar-Kansas"? She sounds like my sister, who has particular problems saying Massachusetts.
  2. Arkansas. What a funny word. Not as cool as "Okanagan" though. The king of cool place names.
  3. I love how that's the only thing that has to be said. I kid, I love the Americans.
  4. Agreed. I think there's no comparing Harry Potter. There so much DEPTH to it, so much emotion, humor, etc. That's just missing in Twilight. Heh, you'll never be alone.
  5. I wouldn't say never. Eventually we'll all be gone, and with us our memories. Time will go on, and someone else will "be the best" of their time. We can't predict who, but I don't think we can stop it either. Time is eternal, nothing is relevant in it. Sorry for being all philosophical and preachy. I just feel sort of strongly about this.
  6. Now I know. I guess it's true that the camera adds 10 pounds.
  7. Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, You Really Got A Hold On Me
  8. Mika looks thinner than usual to me. Is it the touring?
  9. Your mum's so funny. Me: Mr Recsky, can I got to the bathroom? Sub: Yup, go ahead. Me: I mean, MAY I got to the bathroom? I know I CAN go. Sub: Good for you! That's a good skill to have. Oh man. Funny guy.
  10. Congrats! Me too. In fact, when I was little, I told my parents that when I grew up, I won't to be an organ doner. Little me thought it was an actual profession and people regrew organs. That doesn't make sense. I'm sure they do all sorts of screening before sticking it into someone. I'm also angry about the whole gays-can't-donate-blood issue. Canada's having a serious blood shortage!
  11. Woe are we, huh? I feel disgruntled today. My friend (previously said to be acting quite bitchy as of late) assumed we were working together on an English project, and I told her I thought it was easier working alone. After school, her boyfriend had to tell me that she's pissed because 'everyone else is in pairs'. She should have thought about that before repeatedly dropping me like a hot potato.
  12. Random guy in libary, to me: The managers in the film channel haven't uploaded my film yet! Me: Then leave a comment for them. Him: Fine, I shall leave a disgruntled comment. Yes, it's kind of not funny. But amazingly intellectual coming from a student at my school. Seriously.
  13. I kind didn't help my friend's boyfriend fix the stint in their relationship because she's being a bitch right now.
  14. I want cupcakes! My throat hurts. I don't want to go to school anymore. Baaaah.
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