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Everything posted by anapher

  1. I know what you mean. it was the same for me with house, Supernatural and TVD. Once you can't watch it regually, you're kind of detoxed and you don't really bother anymore. It's a bit of a shame with these good shows though.
  2. Sucker love is heaven sent. You pucker up, our passion's spent. My hearts a tart, your body's rent. My body's broken, yours is bent.
  3. Oh yes. I don't think there is a single bed available in Sydney right now I've heard a lot about rugby as well. isn't the world cup going on? all the Brits I've met here are really excited about it.
  4. The plan is to stay about a year (unless I get so homesick I can't stand it or I fall in love so much that I won't leave:biggrin2: ) so I'll defenitely be there in January. Like I said I haven't made a lot of plans but I really wanna see the ocean road and Mellbourne is on the list, too. I already feel there is so much more places to vistit than time :rolls_eyes:
  5. I just discovered them a couple of months ago so I'm at the hight of my obsession with them right now. I could still kick myself thinking that I couldn't go to one of the gigs last month:aah:
  6. Wow, I can't believe there is a thread about them here they were my first love in music and I guess they've influenced me a great deal. Is there anyone else who's favortie album is "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme"?
  7. I'm from Munich, Germany. I'll arrive in Sidney but I haven't made a lot of further plans. It's such a big place with lots of things to see. Guess it'll all become a question of money but I'd love coming to the MFC anniversary. Is there gonna be a meeting in Australia? I've heared rumors but I'm too lazy to go through hundreds of pages in the threads
  8. Hi guys, i'm not australian but i'm comming to Australia next week (and I'm terribly excited about it:biggrin2: ), so I thought I'd say hello
  9. Dafür schau ich hier zu sporadisch, aber ich merk's ziemlich wenn ich mich mit jemandem unterhalte. Da wartet man dann meisten ein paar min auf die antwort/ brauch ein paar min bis man antwortet und schon ist eine stunde um (oder drei )
  10. Man vergisst die zeit auch so schnell :rolls_eyes::
  11. Super und dir? Du hast mich gestern mit David Garrett infiziert, jetzt häng ich die ganz zeit bei YouTube
  12. Hab grade festestellt as ihn die Bücherei doch hat, aber allesausgeliehen Eins sogar bis zum 8.4. wie immer das gehen soll
  13. Ich hab ihn mal bei Wetten dass gesehen und hab ein paar leute gehört die Fans von ihm sind, aber unsere Bücherei hat keine CDs von ihm und ich bin noch nicht dazu gekommen auf YouTube zu suchen
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