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Everything posted by sweet.pixie

  1. Looks like I've never noticed He was wearing that at my M&G He had something else on his shoulder though
  2. He tends to have short trousers and I guess that's for a good reason
  3. I meant like if you need me, I'll be there :aah:

  4. I now you do, I'm here, you know? :huglove:

  5. Me too I've painted one for me I'm puting the link cause the pic is huge http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/24038_1358967543883_1522375950_30921333_8148702_n.jpg
  6. I just said weird, I like it Now tell me this isn't weird
  7. Feliz Natal my lovely Brasilian friends I love you and I've missed you so much Hope you had a great time
  8. I'm actually on 'holidays' now :aah: I have to prepare for an exam. Will have real holidays on February :teehee:

    Did you had a good Christmas time?

  9. Merry Christmas to you too!!!! I wanted to greet you at you 00:00, but then I forgot :aah: It was like 1PM here :aah:

  10. Insects! I'm actually afraid of any living thing that doesn't go with a human being by the side
  11. The trafic is a mess! :aah: I don't know, it's very different. But most cultures are different. I guess it just takes some time to get used to it :teehee:

    haha cause they were saying chinise use to eat those stuff :aah: I guess they do in Beijing :teehee:

    I'm fine. With TONS of exams. You?

  12. Hey! There is a show here about argentinean people living in other countries and the differences among cultures. And tonight, it was about China! And it reminded me of you. They were in Beijing though. Do you eat insects and dogs??? :aah:

  13. You're welcome :wink2: I love it! I almost cried when I listened to it for the first time :teehee: What about you?

  14. Well, this is not fan art, but I'm pretty proud of it, so I wanted to share it with you. It's going to be my wedding present for my brother. This for the cake: http://twitpic.com/6oxgb1 (I'm posting the link cause the pic is huge full size, didn't wanna loose more detail) And also this poem: http://littlecrypticstories.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post.html
  15. I've bought this yesterday The bracelet just because it's pretty And the necklace cause is so Mika! Like the drawing he always makes of the winged heart. I HAD to buy it
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