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Everything posted by sweet.pixie

  1. Si, flasheas! jaja Es feo que digas que lo odías Yo todavía tengo la esperanza de que va a venir en algún momento, además, pensá que cuanto más larga sea la espera (ojalá no lo sea tanto) lo vamos a disfrutar más
  2. Dale, te cuento Claro, yo elegí la UBA porque se supone que es la mejor en medicina (más allá del prestigio) porque en la mayoría de las pagas la carrera es nueva. Yo por suerte no tengo que hacer tanto lío para llegar, me queda cómodo. Si, me dijeron que lo ideal es no trabajar, pero no se, quiero ver éste año qué onda, cómo va a ser mi vida y después decidir porque por un lado me gustaría trabajar para ahorrar y poder mudarme en un futuro no tan lejano
  3. It's all made of porcelain. I'm glad you like it =) It's good to have one Mika at home due to the fact that I can't have the real one
  4. My own little Mika ♥ Front: Back: Shoes: Me with my own little Mika:
  5. Yo también voy a estudiar medicina empiezo éste año el cbc en la uba y estoy aterrorizada de quedar sin vida jaja
  6. Hola =) Soy de Argentina y leí recién que tuviste problemas con entregas de mikasounds y justo estoy considerando pedir algo, quería saber si se solucionó el problema y qué fue lo que pasó. Besos =)

  7. Is anybody there? I'm on holidays so I've got time for reading The first questions is about books and I really can't understand the writer and the book he mentions (I thought he said Evangeline Carter or something like that but I dind't find anything so it's probably wrong ). Could please someone help me?
  8. Here is the song, its quality is good =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODV7v...layer_embedded Starts al 3.30
  9. YKYAMFW it's your 18th birthday and you can't stop thinking that you are not "seventeen with your good girl dream" anymore
  10. Here is the situation: It's my birthday and a friend texts me to great her: I'm going to give you Mika as my present me: that would be the happiest thing in my life her: poor him, he would be your slave me: no! it's all the other way round, I would be his slave, I would do anything he wants
  11. YKYAAMFW you are playing a game with your friends and they play Mika for you to get distracted and loose. YKYAAMFW it's your birthday and your friends tell you that they are going to give him as a present or send you "his" greetings. I had other one, but I've forgotten
  12. I haven't read all (I don't know if anyone has said it) I love the way he says though in this interview (but what I like the most about that video is the "lollipop" part )
  13. I don't know anybody that speaks french =( I've marked it on the wall Besides I have some money reserved for him, though I'm from Argentina and I don't even know if he is goin to come =( Not only Grace Kelly, any of his songs I miss him all the time, my remedy is dreaming awake of him
  14. That's so unfair! I love his green underwear
  15. I don't watch the interviews in which he speaks in french due to the fact that it makes me feel reall bad and sad that I can't understand him.
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