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Everything posted by FralovesMika

  1. Ciaooo Mari!

    Grazie per l'esercizio ihihihih, l'avevo giusto appunto letto tutto e stavo informando anche Michela quando mi ha detto che aveva appena prenotato un altro ihihih ma ve bene, esercizio non fà mai male! Oggi mi son guadagnata anche l'8 in pagella :D

    Ho saputo che ci sei anche te stasera alla riunioncina, non vedo l'ora! Bacioniiii :)

  2. Benissimo gioia! Grazie mille! ^.^

  3. Ciao Nerys! Come stai? ^.^

    Volevo avere conferma se eravamo a posto con l'albergo per il 7 notte io e te ^.^

    Un bacio!

  4. Hi Deb! I'm an italian fan in the senior year of the high school and i've done an essay related to Mika to present at my exams, i'm looking for opinion from you all.

    I opened a 3d with a sendspace link here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3013480#post3013480

    I hope to see you there and hear from you what you think about that!

    Thanks bie bie

  5. Done! I've opened the 3d with my essay!

    Here's the link : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3013480#post3013480

    Hope to see you there and hear from you what you think about it :)

    Bie bie

  6. Sisi già fatto! Grazie mille ^^

  7. Mao

    Odio Filo >.

    A stasera, luv ya ^.^

  8. Ok joined! With the same nick, so it's easy to find me. I'll explore everything with calm when i'll have time. But i already love it
  9. Wow it sounds great! Wanna join that too, but give me a little time to finish my exams! When i'll be free i'll pass day and night on that! LOL You can add me into the Italy list
  10. Ok thanks!

    Now i ask to my brother how i have to convert in a pdf and then i'll post here!

    Hope to be able to do it for the end of the week.

    And thanks again =)

  11. No you didn't hehe!

    But it's not a problem i've still a bit of time, i just to share with the MFC just before present it at my exams.

    But some prof has agreed yet with that about the quality :)

    So i hope to have any problem, but i want some fans opinion as well! ^^

  12. Hi FD!

    I have to ask you something, kind of a favour.

    I would open a 3d with my essay (if i found a way to convert it in a PDF) about Mika that i'll present at my maturity exams of my senior year in the highschool, just to have all you opinions about it. I do it in a english version so it can be understadable for everybody and you can correct me if i made some mistake too ;)

    But i never open a 3d and idk how does it works.

    Thanks for you availability as always. Bie

  13. I hope it too Ok in case we'll find a way but sorry i'm so smart LOL what's i.e means?
  14. Thank you so much FD! Maybe i can find a way to have it or at last i hope to find that in Rome
  15. Oooooooh! Wait wait wait! Is it the one sell in France in the last gigs? Sorry i don't have the time to read all the 3d so i want to ask if it's that one, or if it isn't where i can buy it? Can't believe a half of me is the last photo with the figurants! Thanks in advance for who will reply me ^.^
  16. Maaaah! Ti credo tesoro!

    Mi spiace!

    Miss u =(

  17. Odio sto tempooooo! grgrgrgrgrggrrrrr

  18. Waiting 4 u in Skype! ^.^

  19. Ehehheheheh arriverò alla fine! Allora si che ci sarà da divertirsi! =D

  20. Molto meno di 2 mesi amoooo! Non farmi andare in paranoia, perchè io 2 mesi non li reggo ancoraaaaa xDDDDD

  21. Ihihihihih che brava!

    Evvaiii chissà che bella sensazione uazzz!

    Grazie mille davvero amo! Non vedo l'ora un baciotto

  22. Ciao paciotti! Sisi fà niente non ti preoccupare ^.^ lo presumevo che stessi facendo la donnina di casa LOL

    Qui il sole c'è però io non mi fido ihih

    Io very nervous oggi, il proff di Scienze Sociali me le ha fatte proprio girare!

    Ci sentiamo paciottina un baciotto!

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