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Everything posted by FralovesMika

  1. I miss you too hunny! Sniff =')

    Yes yes yes the pic ah! Next time for sure ;)

    Of course we'll keep in touch, MFC is very worthy for that, you know what my life is a totally mess right now in a month I think I'll change everything, I move to a new city, go to live on my on own, get a job and start study but I'll try my best to surf here around when it'll be possible :)

    You're a very sweet girl, I can't wait for the next gig, next time maybe you'll be my guest in my new city! We can just wait the right time ;)

    Thank you so much for everything i hope it won't be a too much longer goodbie!

    Cheers bieeee :)

  2. Ehy girl! Finally i can reply you, sorry but after i got home i got a bad flu and i stayed in bed for 2 days longer!

    You don't have to thank me, it's my turn LOL! You don't know how much pleasure was for me to met you and chat all day long ;) and I wished we had more time too as always happen in Mika's gigs, thanks again for ur kindness you were perfect!

    Looking forward for the next time, then we can keep in touch here! Kiss&hugs

  3. So i think that's all! I can never stop to thank everybody for vids pics and compliments, you made me re-live that evening and really I can cry more and more but it's better to stop if i don't want to create a new lake in the north of Italy LOL! Thank you so much everybody again, I'm so happy we succed in a things like this, we try our best and he deserved everything! THANK YOU!
  4. Oh ok! But you answered right don't worry For the flowers they just that it was an idea for his bday nothing special, just another way to surprise him, i think this stuff goes on a regional radio i don't know but it was totally amazing!
  5. Ahahahahah thank you so much you're so entusiastic AH! Yeah it was a really hard work but everything went well, so i can't ask more
  6. We where proud to have you too Nina! Thank you so much again! I loved to chat with you and met you again, looking forward for the next time You'll be always welcome!
  7. We ordered it, to a Baker in Cattolica, the day after we thanked a lot Paolo also for Mika because he loved the taste of the cake too and he was so happy
  8. I can try to do a translation, a girl is asking if they're excited and they said a lot and they talk about the flowers stuff, i'm not sure but the first one it seems to me the voice of Giulia (giulietta) Then they sing Grace Kelly and Kick Ass and there are some fans there from the 4.30 in the morning who i've already met in Rome. They're just telling from where they are and from wich hour they're queueing and something also during the gig if they're having fun and they likes the gig. And then same question at the end of the gig. And i guess one of the last voice is mellody isn't it? That's all
  9. Thanks Sara! We've to say it, David was fab we don't have said nothing and he did something perfect!
  10. Ehy, I'm here too just recovered after the wonderful experiences! Collecting all the stuff here too! Thx everybody
  11. Ehy hello everybody guys! I'm here too, I've returned on Saturday but i just got recovered from a flu after has returned home! Just here to say thank u everybody for photos and videos and wish to not have a too much longer goodbie till another gig We'll see! I met wonderful people in Cattolica and i'm so happy about that looking forward too meet again (special thx to anthusa and tiibet for chatting) and of course my italian mates everywhere around! Now I'm going to collect all the stuff Bieeee
  12. Pensa a quanto fà piangere me!

  13. mao è official allora, non ho ricevuto altre risp ;) se vuoi faccio ancora qll di cui abbiam discusso stamattina dimmi tu

  14. Io ti devo raccontare qualcosa xD

  15. Ehy all! Just went home after this two amazing italian gigs in Rome and Udine and a little family trip as well, tomorrow i'll add my comments too and explorer these wonderful report 3ds atm i just to thank everyone who makes these 2 days a dream come true to me, i'll do my part of job tomorrow leave you with a goodnight from this too tired but really happy girl
  16. Ehy all! Just went home after this two amazing italian gigs in Rome and Udine and a little family trip as well, tomorrow i'll add my comments too and explorer these wonderful report 3ds atm i just to thank everyone who makes these 2 days a dream come true to me, i'll do my part of job tomorrow leave you with a goodnight from this too tired but really happy girl
  17. La scaletta dell'eden ce l'ho e per le canzoni ci mettiamo d'accordo là!

    Ci vediamo presto grazie ancora baciooo! :huglove:

  18. BED & BREAKFAST Passaggio in Villa, VILLA MANIN

    P.zza dei Dogi, 9


    Tel. 0432 908874 / 0432 908874

    Cell. 329 3367966







    Io ho prenotato originariamente una doppia e una quadrupla perché eravamo in sei, adesso siamo in quattro e con la tua amica cinque.

    Ho scritto alla signora di non affrettarsi ad aggiungere il 4 letto alla quadrupla dato che non serve più.

    In ogni caso saremmo io, Betta, Mellody, Faballa e la tua amica.


    Se la ragazza arriva per prima deve dare il mio nome.


    Ma magari sarebbe meglio che andasse al B&B insieme a Betta (che arriva con te nel van) che conosce anche le straniere, nel caso arrivino presto anche loro.

  19. Ok grazie mille!

    Sisi andiamo tutte insieme al b&b che siamo tutte nel van :)

    Ci vediamo presto! Ciao ciao

  20. Ehy cara! Tutto a posto per la stanza? Ti chiedo conferma che già domani non ci sono, grazie ancora di tutto ci vediamo presto un bacio! :)

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