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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. Not truely mika related however I would think most people would welcome a deranged flying postage stamp..
  2. LOL! I knew it wouldn't take you girls long to solve that mystery!
  3. It's definitely him. I can't imagine who else it would be lol. He does sound a bit like he's at a old western thoguh which amuses me greatly.
  4. and to Biene.. that makes it roughly 40 plays a day I guess I'm going to have to step it up toa nice round 50
  5. But But But... It's stepping stone and going down. I love those. Besides according to Last FM I've listened to dear Meeks 282 times. *FAKE EDIT* And that is just in the last 7 days lol.
  6. *whispers* located a new Monkees live albumn that I've shockingly never heard before.. I've stopped listening to Mika for a whole 30 minutes.. maybe he'll forgive me?
  7. Tank' you I am thinking of making another one similar but I'm not sure so far my sketches ofthe hand drawn bit have not made me happy. I want to go to a Mika gig badly. I have to be patient thoguh till he comes my way.
  8. No one should be TOO shocked. IT's all typical Fan Girl Squeeing. I haven't seen anything here that tops what I have witnessed in Monkee fan clubs. And they aren't even young men anymore like our Mika is.
  9. Night Night Muppet If there was ever time for Mika to peek at this thread it would be now. *Falls over giggling* This is probably what'd do to us as well.
  10. Hey Muppet! I see that we've got some naughty mischief that's been going on here.
  11. I don't think I have either. Thoguh it's disorienting how many pictures of the boy there are.
  12. Besides. Even if today does suck. There is always tomorrow. *begins to sing Take a Giant Step* Woops.. never mind wrong forum. XD. *ponders MIka doing take a giant step.. god that would be awesomesauce.
  13. WOOT! go Droopsy. I tried and tried and it wont download for me. Partially because the one I use only works in firefox and this video just wont load in firefox for me. I put some screen shots on the Mikegasmics thread thoguh XD
  14. I still have two whole days before I have to go to work again. Though my family is getting awfully tired of teh repeated Mika playins everytime I get into doing house work.
  15. I'm still working on that. I may still be able to lift it I'm going to try one other thing that might work.
  16. I'm out now. I need to upload some more to photobucket it appears.
  17. I be spammy this evening But I know you guys don't mind.. for I has pictures this time round
  18. WELCOME! I wondered who the shoe belonged to =-) Your so lucky I wish I lived in New York (at least when Mika's there lol)
  19. I can only imagine. He'd probably be like wahha i can't seem to download that interview cuz it wont play in fire fox. Oh well. I really don't need fifty million Mika interviews in itunes do it? well.. autually ... I do lol
  20. It certainly would be a self esteem booster I would think. Knowing he's got his own little naughty corner army.
  21. From this picture I suspect he manages to know some of our mischief just through ESP.
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