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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. I have my fingers crossed for a MFC fan to win any of the contests going round right now.
  2. That's true! At least I know if he lands in Dallas I have a place to stay there I've got family. There's a really large stadiumn near my home. I keep secretly hoping he'll do a concert there even thoguh outside concerts are not usually a good idea in Texas lol.
  3. We didnt' we did it over a ICQ chat room. IT was hysterical. I spent many late night hours doing that when I was 16-20. We offcially dubbed it "Monkee Tea's" cuz we were always stopping for "tea or in my case Dr. Pepper breaks" I'm *sobs* 27 now lol well I'm technically 26 till tomororw. Mika's the first person I've gone that fangirly with since then.
  4. This is why I don't often draw WHILE listening to music. I'm not 100% happy with this. I kinda lost momentum with it. I may redo part of it digitally. BUt I thoguht I'd post it anyway
  5. You might not have asked but I'm going to tell you anyway cuz it's entertaiing and as I said I've been bored for the last hour . My buddies and I used to do this thing wehre we'd get in a group chat and round robin a Monkees Related fanfic. It was ridiculously corny and filled with Teenage Angst and lust ie naughty corner. I've such fond memories of it I can't bring it to do again with anyone else. LOL.
  6. ahaha I'm terrified atuually of accidentally calling him Mickey simply because of my mother's favorite Monkee is a "Micky" It does suit him a bit. But thats just cause I'm a crazed Monkees fan. XD
  7. Please do. I've tweeted enough to him to let him know there's a Texas Monkee waiting for him to come round again. LOL But it's the only chance I have. I'm very patient. Even for my first musical loves (The monkees) I only went as far as Oklahoma for them.
  8. My work friends have nicknamed him "Melanie's Imaginary Boyfriend" They are just jealous cuz I"m single ... and AWESOME *has had too much sugar*
  9. I used to LOVE fan fic. I still have a guilty pleasure for harry potter fanfic. I've not been able to get myself into celeb based fan fic in a long long time. It reminds me too much of my highschool days lol.
  10. I've not fully bonded to a specific one just yet. I know that Nicolas annoys the crap out of me. Chris and Christian were my favorite designers of all time and I've had a hard time bonding to anyone since that season. I think that season was the best and they've had a hard time topping that one.
  11. Tim Gunn is awesomesauce. He makes me feel good about using big words with my co-workers. People should flex their vocabulary more often!
  12. I voted! and I'm ridiculously bored which is sad cause this is the first day of my five day vacation. Least Project runway will be on in a bit. *twiddles thumbs*
  13. staying home all day to listen to my Mika albumn properly and just be home away from work.
  14. Micky D's *hey its my b-day week I'm allowed to splurge on skanky fast food *
  15. I like Meeks best that and "Our boy, my boy" I love just Mika cause it rhymes with my birds names (of whom I named long before I knew our dear boy existed. My birds names are Toki and Eeka both of which are pronounced in a similar fashion to Mika. My birds were actually really confused cause they thoguht I was talking about them when I wasn't.
  16. *is nervous about managing to go to sleep on time tonight to get up for good morning america* I"m going to be so mad at myself if I over sleep!!
  17. That's true. I don't think he is actually. I think he enjoys being coy about it. Though I would think the repetitiveness would be annoying just on a general perspective.Of course that's just purely speculation.
  18. Until he comes to Texas I will always be slightly jealous LOL but I am happy for everyone else. I think it's awesome and I Thank everyone for sharing their stories as I know it will be a long while before Mika visits my little part of Texas. If it wasn't for all the lovely people who have made recordings so I could see what his concerts are like I'd be far more jealous. But the videos make it worth biding my time.
  19. Humanity always likes to classify people and creatures anything and everything. I've always thought it made people feel safer if they can attribute a description to someone or something. I think it makes people feel safe and secure knowing they can label someone or something. I think that is why most people are so curious to know. I adore Mika for many reasons. He is a good looking man mind you. . I don't know how anyone could not be attracted to him when in the same age group man or female. My appreciation for his music is first and foremost. The fact that he's purty is just a added bonus. The only way I or most of us will ever see him is in a fan-to awesome sauce Mika perspective anyway. The idea of being chatted up by him is inviting and that's why people like to know where they stand and if they have a chance. And that's my round about reasoning for why everyone makes such a fuss about it. I'm surprised Mika never bugs the interviewer about where they stand. I can only imagine that it must be annoying to get asked that all the time. I know in my real life I get asked quite frequently but only because I do not date at all and people get very confused by that. Well, now I guess I'll end my ramble now *shuffles off to finish my laundry*
  20. Hey Muppets! those new pictures are quite nice. I even had to change my desk top again. I may have to make a collage so I can fit all my favorites in.
  21. They had a teaser commercial for it this morning but I missed it cause I was still asleep :/. Mom woke me up to tell me about it thoguh.
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