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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. They are from this interview that you have to go on Internet Explorer to view which sucks cuz I hate IE but I'll do it for Mika-muppet. I found it on a thread here. http://music.naver.com/special.nhn?m=main&specialid=190
  2. I'm sure on the off chance when he's super super bored he might. Mind you we are so prolific in our writings that he couldn't possibly catch everything. *cough* I could have done a better cropping job on these.
  3. If this is in the wrong place feel free to move. You marvelous Modders you. I'm in the process of making a advertisement for my mom's art work because she's decided to start doing commission work again. This is a picture of one of her works. I think it came out pretty good as a digital picture I was worried that it wouldn't shot up well since this is not a scan. http://twitpic.com/j97cv
  4. Good. Thoguh "Tibetan camel milk!” is still making me giggle. I didn't get enough sleep last night because I had to make sure to get up for Good Morning America lol.
  5. Lost in translation thoguh I can sort of gleam something out of it. I like this part best.. "What is the worst experience, which you made with drugs? Once colleagues so mentioned with sweet Fusel filled up me. At eight o'clock I woke up in the morning on the roof of a jeep, because that suddenly down-drove the road. In the middle in London! Sounds oneself unbelievably. Is however true. It was very bad. With the people, which had clean-ridden me there , I am more never rumgehangen. "
  6. http://www.sendspace.com/file/izh1s7 Same thing as droopsy but since it did upload it I thought I'd post it just in case we needed a mirror.
  7. He did and then later he seemed shy when they were talking to him. But then when he was performing he seemed more his normal self. At least from the clips thats what it seemed.
  8. *waits for the upload to finish* send space is being slow.
  9. hrmm now I can record that off the web site even thoguh I wasn't able to get it off the tv.
  10. all I have is a VCR I'm sorry. I would have recorded it if I could have. It really wasn't much of anything. It was one song about a minute of talking. I was kind of disappointed thoguh he looked spectacular. The hosts of Good Morning America were idiots.
  11. wow. I watched the entire Good Morning America show. In texas all we got was where they snippeted Love today by calling it grace kelly. Then they tortured us with cooking. MIka did play Blame it on the Girls. I'm still glad I got to see him. I wish it had been longer. I did not see the president thing but I wasn't really listening I was just waiting for our dear Meeks.
  12. I'm going to have to listen to the song again. I've been convinced it was "Shame, such a beautiful beautiful young LOVE" as opposed to life. The only thing I've read into it was a relationship that kind of withered. Like it caught him unawares that it was over. I can see where the suicide or self harm part might be inferred thoguh. *fake edit* well I guess in the booklet it is Young Life.. I still hear it as love thoguh. Funny how one's ears plays tricks on ya
  13. You can say that again <3 I need to upload some photos to my photobucket.. cuz I'm sorely lacking piccys to post.
  14. I love that part too and the crazy beach boy bit. It's a great song to sing to in the car.
  15. Good Morning thoguh it's still evenin' here. I should be going to bed so I can be slightly less grumpy while watching our dear Mika on Good Morning America
  16. ha ah I got ya'll beat. I'm *cough* 27 as of tomorrow. I quit trying a few years ago thoguh. It's not worth the stress to me. Besides I am a only child. I am very good at being all by myself.
  17. Sometimes depends on how pushy someone is. It's not just the root question either but the follow up questions. I confuse acquaintances around me because I don't date generally. I'm at a age where it is socially acceptable to be married or with a significant other. I suspect that is why I am asked frequently. I just know in my town it is not socially acceptable to be completely single and not actively dating. I just feel like I shouldn't have to explain myself. it's different when it's someone trying to chat you up because they are asking with a purpose. However when it's someone just asking to be nosy I find that annoying.The questions he's been asked just remind me what I've been asked frequently for as long as I've been a adult. I realize the reporters are just doing what they do best. It just shouldn't matter. For he's going to be what he is.
  18. That's a cute siggy. I'm so ridiculously excited about tomorow.
  19. Bwhaha that's hysterical. My last cocktiel was named Jools after Julian Lennon. XD I have a odd naming history with my pets.
  20. There are ridiculously talented authors who write Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia fan fiction.Sometimes they come up with better plots then regular books. I prefer fairy tales and childrens stories anyway. One day I'm going to work a childrens book myself my inspiration is still waiting to strike thoguh. I listen to a lot of different music but lately it's take na bit of a back burner till I burn mika's new stuff out of my system. I still like to jam out ot my old favorites time and time again. I have 10 gigs of music so I can't always listen to our Mika-Muppet all the time. (what a bad fan I am XD) Thoguh I've nearly managed 1000 plays of his stuff in the last mont according to my Last FM page.
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