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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. a bit drained had a mild anxiety attack at work.
  2. I was in a car accident in 2003, I hadn't learned to drive yet at the time my mom was the one driving. It took me 2 years to finally learn fully to drive. I've had my licence for about 7 months. Being driven around until I was 26 really really sucked. Just wanted to comiserate a bit LOL I have got to say I love all the awnsers the humerous ones and the serious ones are awesome.
  3. Lovely Pictures. How are you muppets doin' this evening?
  4. I bought stamps and Dr. Pepper cause as my dad says Dr. Pepper is my life force XD
  5. hello my muppety ones What a Flirt our Mika is. He was just TOO cute in that performance.
  6. When were you happiest? Driving with my mother at 15 years old to a Monkee's concert in Oklahoma City.. tha trip was a blast What is your greatest fear? Being completly alone What is your earliest memory? My earliest memory is bouncing in a walker as a young baby. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Desperate Severe Social Phobia.. big pain in the a$$ What is the trait you most deplore in others? Dishonesty What was your most embarrassing moment? Homecoming Ball FYI never ask someone out just because you need to go with a warm body because your best mate is going with her boy toy and needs you along. Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? My cello which was later sold ( What is your most treasured possession? A doll that my grandmother gave me before she fell to Alheimezrs What do you most dislike about your appearance? My lack of a metabolism XD Who would play you in the film of your life? Oh gawd there IS no one short enough (I'm five foot) What is your guiltiest pleasure? Harry Potter themed Fanfiction and various other smutty fanfics What is your most unappealing habit? Nail chewer Where would you like to live? Everywhere Colorado, Paris, England, Canada What does love feel like? Depends on what kind of love. Family love is wonderful. I've never been "in love" Raunchy fan-girling aside What was the best kiss of your life? Well. I agree with Meeks. my old dog Buddy was quite a lover he gave the best kisses ever. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Paul McCartney, Mika, Dolly Parton, Josh Turner, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, What is the worst job you've done? I worked at Old Navy for a while that was horrid they made me clean bathrooms *gasp* If you could edit your past, what would you change? I would have learned to speak spanish when I was younger. How do you relax? Listen to Music, Sculpt, Draw, Write, Obsessivly read MFC, Sims 3 and Sims 2 What is the closest you've come to death? I was in a bad car accident in 2003, My mom nearly lost her leg. I just lost all my hair (couldn't comb it for 4 weeks due to concussion bruisesing) What single thing would improve the quality of your life? Money to buy a refrigerator. (Got a snack sized one.. piece of crap it is) What do you consider your greatest achievement? LEARNING TO DRIVE!!! (I've been driving since last year) What keeps you awake at night? The stories I make up to help myself fall asleep LOL What song would you like played at your funeral? Silent Night, Yellow Rose of Texas, Wouldl You Go With Me? (love you meeks but you don't exactly play dirges now do ya?) What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Accept yourself. Everyone will think you peculiar no matter what you do so it's better just to embrace your peculiarity Where would you most like to be right now? England.. anywhere really. I'd just like to get out of my normal stomping grounds. Tell us a secret. I've a irrational fear of balls. *cough* of the bouncy variety. I ended up getting a GED over it because my school principal was a lieing jerk.
  7. Pensive, I've always got loads of anxiety on mondays. bleh:boxed:
  8. The best stuff to be had is in grocery stores. I did not over hear this one buy mom mom once told me she was inside a bathroom at a grocery store and she heard the following conversationg. Mother: Don't touch that darling it's dirrrty Little Boy: Why? Did a Man do it?
  9. I overheard a 8 year old child smacking a Kenny Rogers cd and saying.. TAKE THAT KENNY RODGERS!! I nearly fell over laughing.
  10. I think that is one of the better review Thanks for posting!
  11. aww Mika is one of the few boys I pay close attentions to. I hadn't relized they'd gone back to that sort of thing. He's still such a cutie-pie
  12. at least he's changing up his boxes. We need to get him days of the week ones so he has more variety. OF course I can't see someone with their fly down without promptly busting out into the shoo fly don't bother me song.
  13. Exactly! No Bueno that's why I like music. I run off at lunch to listen to Mika so I can cool down and not say something I regret.
  14. I can't say out right. But generally its retail I work as a escalations manager. I solve problems or attempt to anyway. People have melt downs anyway cuz they be crazy.
  15. It truly is I have about 60 pissed off customers cause I went off and had a life for a bit. They'll be ok. They are generally angry no matter what I do anyway.
  16. That's lovely. I've purposely stayed home today being that this is my last day of the my five days of freedom. Back to being a grownup and not a obsessed Mka fan tomorrow. XD
  17. I should be doing house work. I did get the laundry done. My desk top is him in the reddish sweater. I'm thinking of making a collage thoguh. we'll see. I've been drawing instead of doing computer art thoguh I've not played with Paint Shop Prop enough lately.
  18. Me Too Me too! *dances* I should be doing something productive. *ponders*
  19. LOL that is my favorite Snapshotty type pic of Mika. I love it when he isn't all spiffed up. Plus the jumping on the bed was fairly entertaining That's the picture on my phone everybody goes... who dat??
  20. Nooo but I do imagine you as a beanie baby.. specifically my Magical Mystery Tour one. *runs away before I am tackled* I go back to work tomorow. I'm going to miss you crazy chickens tomorow like crazy!
  21. This has definatly become my home away from home. Besides Mom is getting exceptionally tired of me going Well you know... Mika ...*insert random story here*
  22. I think this thread broke my computer mouse I can't right click anymore. *sobs*
  23. Lovely thoguhts You know there is a song that shares this same idea. Not a Mika song but still wonderful . Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram same it for the cartoon "An American Tale" Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there And even though I know how very far apart we are It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky Somewhere out there if love can see us through Then we'll be together somewhere out there Out where dreams come true And even though I know how very far apart we are It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky Somewhere out there if love can see us through Then we'll be together somewhere out there Out where dreams come true
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