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Everything posted by CalicoSkies

  1. I'm terribly fond of acoustics's. Most of the time with every band or musician that I love I gravitate toward the demo or stripped acoustics. There is just something about a musician and the bare basics that I enjoy. Actually I live for sessions collections. What I mean is collections of outtakes that an artist recorded while making albumns. I have the Monkee's headquarters album sessions. I have the complete John Lennon Collection Sessions and I have a good portion of the Beatles sessions.I really really really love studio outtakes. Maybe one day Mika will treat us to something similar one day once he has more albums under his suspenders . For me they are the best way to listen to a artist weave their songs. I think creation in song writing is almost more fantastic than the finished product. It's wonderful to hear the polished studio albums but there is just something a raw track that makes me happy. That's probably why Blue eyes make me so happy it's close to a acoustic even though it really isn't on the album.
  2. I LOVE pick up off the floor it's jazzy and makes me want to pull out my ella (fitzgerald) and louie (armstrong) records out.
  3. I only know how to play the cello but I'd gladly take lessons. XD. My only problem would be the transportation. I'd love to go to a Mika gig but he's coming to far away from me.
  4. ah yes. Wiki is handy when I fail are spelling lol. Definatly not a failure you amuse us greatly.
  5. Libel and Slander you mean. depending on weather it was writtin or spoken.
  6. Everything always has to have a label. I think that is why the press likes to push it. It's a shame really cuz it shouldn't matter. He's lovely no matter what.
  7. You've got me. he does have lovely shoes thoguh. I keep telling myself one day it will make sense why I fuss of my favorites man-candy(IE mika) clothing/shoes when I can't be bothered enough to own more than two pairs of shoes at time of my own.
  8. I don't know if this story is true or not but this thread is hysterical. Half-assed stalker-fan *falls on the floor snickering*
  9. Sounds like a lovely day. I loved that that albumn was available on itunes RIGHT at midnight. it was fun getting to download it straight away. I had it this morning for my car ride to work and for my car ride back home. Yo Muppets! btw!
  10. *hugs* I always take a asprin before getting into it and after. That makes the next morning a little less insane. However I've never had a full hangover so I'm not sure if I'm much help Hope your day gets better! Well my dearest Muppets. It's time ofr this monkee to crawl off to bed. I'd liked to listen to Meeks album a billion more times but I have angry people to appease in the morning and a "pot luck" that supposedly has nothing to do with my birthday I wish you guys a fabby day as I know I wont be back until the late hours of tomorow. *sigh* I miss working part time I really do.
  11. haha I've never had a hangover thoguh I drink maybe six times a year. *watches our albumn download off itunes*
  12. I suspect it's one of his favorite phrases. He seems to use it a frequently as I use "Ya'll and Muppet"
  13. One of these days I'm going to go through the lyrics of all of his songs and count how many times he uses the phrase "What's the matter".
  14. I'm talkin' bout blue eyes blue eyes what's the matter matter matter? *sings* *edit to avoid double posting like a silly muppet* Hello Miss Amber how be you?
  15. I wonder if itunes will release it at midnight tonight *ponders* I want to take it with me to work tomorrow to listen to on my lunch break.
  16. Hey Darlin's! Back from my adventures at Wallmart. What's this about dancing with our Mika-Muppet. *dances*
  17. well the tequila is always in fresh supply. *makes frozen margaritas" It is 1:41 pm here haha
  18. Well they are just naughty muppets then. LOL I gotta run off to wallmart in a few but I"ll be here for a little while longer
  19. It is a bit. It's always quiet here when I'm awake. I'll assume it is because of the time difference. *throws conffetti anyway*
  20. I think the title he came up worked out well. I always like Albumn titles to be a bit catchy and The Boy Who Knew Too Much certainly is.
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