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Everything posted by Cherol

  1. I had a really real dream that Mika was doing a "Mika's day out" kind of thing where he just hung out with a group of MFCers all day. It was one of those dreams that when you wake up, for about a minute you still think it's real, so when I woke up I was like, "Oh, I have to go to the MFC and do my report!" Anyway, when it started he performed a song for us, but were were all at a furniture store in California that just happened to have a piano. I don't know why we all went to a furniture store, but he stopped and played a little bit of Toy Boy, then he messed up and laughed and then told us a story about a toy piano he once had. I distinctly remember one part, that when he messed up, I was talking to another MFCer and we were talking about his voice, but in sign language and I did the ASL sign for voice and he came over and asked us what we were signing, then he started to sign to us, but it wasn't ASL so we didn't know what he was saying, and then I said, "Oh maybe you're doing, BSL." and he said he didn't know. Then he let us come to his music video shoot, which was in Kenya, and there was a real lion, because Mika was a lion tamer in the video and we were all so close to the shoot that we were worried for Mika and thought it was going to eat everyone, but in the end it turned out to be a nice lion. After that we were somehow on a tourbus, a huge tourbus, and he was just hanging out and talking to everyone, and I got to hang out with Cherise and she was really cool. I told her that I wanted her to be my sister, and she said "Oh, but you already have a sister!" and I said, "Pffft, she's only half my sister, so that really doesn't count." and she agreed. Then I took photos of everyone, and Mika, Imma, and Martin all posed for silly photos, and then Mika performed on the bus, and he tried to jump off of something, but he fell and had this cut on his head and he tried to keep playing, but John told him he had to go to the hospital, so he told us all to go with him to the hospital, and then I woke up. I'm not really sure what any of that means. It was cool though.
  2. In the land of boo they've got sweets but no candy.
  3. I'm not quite sure, I think they were taken when he was in Spain last...maybe doing stuff with MTV Espana...but I'll have to ask the lovely lady that passed them along to me. There are more:
  4. Dude, check out the video I just posted in the Oakland thread. You can see you in the front row! :aah: I geeked out about it haha.

  5. I just found this video of Love Today, it's not the best one of the song, but you can see the amazing entire venure jumping action in it. It's at about 5:49. It looks so awesome! I couldn't even imagine it at the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e6LU0UnKcw You can also see some MFCers heads throughout the video in the front row if you look close enough. Especially Lucy's glowing pink hair! I love it.
  6. This is hard! As of righthisverysecond: 1) Pick Up Off The Floor 2) Dr. John 3) Blame It On The Girls 4) We Are Golden 5) Lover Boy
  7. This is so awesome!!!!! Great idea too, good way for capturing some amazing memories. I love when you guys were singing Lollipop! So cute! It was so nice to meet you both, I can't wait to do it all again.
  8. I think I should finally post in this thread, as I've lurked all the way through
  9. I am a robot. I am a robot. I'm talking like a robot.
  10. Cherol


    Me too! I hope that her little charade ends very, very soon. I loved when Emma had on the wedding dress and was singing I Could Have Danced All Night and they danced around. So cute. They're meant to be!!!
  11. This is cool. I'll try: In the land of boo they have feet but no shoes. In the land of boo they have dollars but no cents.
  12. I'm registering for spring semester classes. Pretty boring stuff, hah.
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