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Everything posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. I like the song so far. Stephens voice is amazing! So is the other guy (I apologize to Boyzone fans that I don't know his name. Is it Rohan/something similar?) Makes me want to hear their other songs. To all the Boyzone fans who came here: Thank you and I'm sorry for what you have to go though. It would be hard for me to do the same I think if it was Mika instead of Stephens. *Shudders* Yeah....
  2. Me too! I hope he comes to my city again! (I couldn't go to last one) And to other places in the state where he hasn't been of course for the rest of you!
  3. Well, they where saying underneath that ballerinas do it, but it's the skin, not the meat. Nothing wrong with padding. Though if it's the meat then yeah, I forgot that good gone girl mentions being 17! *Makes note to listen to it more even though she doesn't like it so she can hear it when still being 17* *Hope's that last thought made sense*
  4. YKYAMF when your going though heck to get his hearts bracelet when you really want him to come back to the USA and your city because you had to miss his last one. when you are happy that he might possibly have the same (type) computer as you (Does he have a Mac?) When 7/10 of your most played songs are Mika, and the top 5 are all Mika. When you have pics of him on your ipod.
  5. YKYAMF when insted of doing HW, you make a Mika wallpaper for your computer (that you might not even use!) I have been putting HW off with other sites, but still.
  6. I might of done the same if I had the opportunity! XD I did jump a bit and went "That trailer is PLAYING Love Today!!!" And my dad and sis went really and then we walked away. XD But I was still looking at it and stuff. XD
  7. Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but today when I went to the theater in the loby on the way to the movie "room" I heard "Love Today" on a trailer for "Valentines Day". First time I heard Mika in public. XD Mika isn't popular here in the USA it seems.
  8. Hahahaha! YKYAMF when you get all excited from hearing a preview at a theater for a new movie is playing "Love Today" I literally had to hold myself from jumping up and down. I did tell my sister and Dad right away. They never play him here. YKYAMF when you wish you where awake with your Mom one night because she told you that late at night they played "Love Today" on VH1.
  9. Hmm, Let's look into that then, because I would much prefer to pay you (Or give you a "Donation" through Paypal. I can ship you stuff, but that would be harder on me. I can't look it up now, it's almost 11 and it's a school night. I did PM you an address, and a question.
  10. YAY YAY YAY ! I hope he comes here again, and if it's on a school night again I'll go whether Mom likes it or not. Where did the original pic come from? Ummm... Isn't it? I thought Ireland was part of the UK, the UK is made up of Scotland, Wales, England, and Ireland. I like that he wore his hearts bracelet in that interview, he's had it since 8? I can't wait to get mine.
  11. I figured it out. I'm sending it to my Dad's house (He doesn't ask questions... though I just remembered he forgot to give me my Nickelodeon bound mag. thing I had sent....) anyway, I have 2 I'm giving to my sisters for their birthdays (I think they will love them. ). If they (Mom and step-dad) ask where I got them, I'll say I saw them online and thought they were cute. Which is the truth. Though my Mom will say there babyish and I shouldn't wear them.... 0_0 It's ok that I asked for 4 still right? It's totally understandable! Is there a way I can send you the money instead of items? Because if it's something like paypal it will be much easier (I'll like make a donation or something). But if not I'll still send you the items.
  12. Why is the recording 1:51, I thought the program was 2 hours.
  13. I'm said I was only able to hear about 10 min. worth, but glad I made it home in time to hear at least 10 min. "Live".
  14. That's what I thought. My Uncle has one and it said it needed an antena when I checked it out awile back. But it was worth asking.
  15. Can't wait to get this on my I-pod so I can hear everything that was said. Debating whether or not to keep listining.... then again the player is garbleing badly.
  16. Do you live in the UK, or can if pick up radio from other places? I have a feeling you live in the UK, but if you don't I'm going to buy one of those new I-pods now. Goodbye 1st gen. I-pod.
  17. Geezzz... 7 people from the US have died... lovely thing to hear right off.
  18. Your listining from your I-Pod? 0_0 Do the new ones play radio?
  19. I would, but my family is around watching Jepardy. THey would kill me. Woops, Jepody's over...
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